Backseat Comfort

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The day after Dan visited the shop, I was asked to stop in at the Grump space.

Dan had called me super early this morning and said that they suddenly got really busy. He asked me if I could bring the guys coffee instead of having them come to me.

"GOOGLE! I'M LATE! PLEASE, HURRY UP," I yelled into the kitchen of my coffee shop for my taller Android and impatiently tapped my foot on the floor.

I'm so nervous...

I hope that I can make my lunch date with Felix. I had to bail on him a little while ago because of Auntie. But I rescheduled for lunch today. Google and Siri were even invited to come along.

I had been putting some equipment in the back of my car and have been nervously pacing around.

"I'm coming. I couldn't find the right box. You put it on the bottom shelf, not the middle one," He said and walked out with the box of coffee beans I'd sent him to get. Siri was making sure everything was in the car by going down a list I had given him.

"It's fine. Come on," I said and tried to take the box from him. I'm so nervous about forgetting something or making a fool of myself in front of my idols. I heard him make a noise of displeasure and he tried to pull the box away from me.

I managed to wrestle it away from him but it was too heavy for me. I tried to keep as much balance as I could but I felt my body's center of gravity shifting and I couldn't keep balance on my feet.

I felt myself tipping over and the ground was getting really close to me.

"(Y/N)-," I heard my name get called but I had curled up to protect myself from the ground. I dropped the box in my hands and put my arms around my head, trying everything to protect my head.

I heard feet shuffle around and the ground never came. Did Google catch me? I think he did... I'm not in pain so I assume that it's ok... right?

I felt arms wrap around me and pull me up, carrying me somewhere before quickly before they set me down.

I opened my eyes and noticed that the arms putting me down looked a little thinner and much paler.

I looked at my surroundings first.

I was in the backseat of my car, placed in the right side back seat. I looked at the person checking me for injuries and saw that it was Siri.

I looked at him and saw Google setting the box in the back with the rest of our stuff.

"You're not hurt are you?" Siri directed my attention back to him.

"No... I'm not..."

Google came around and stood next to Siri, putting a hand on his shoulder to signal that he wanted to talk instead. Siri nodded and backed off, moving to do one final check of the back of the car.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Honestly... no... what if I mess up? Dan's like my idol. I would die if I made a fool of myself in front of him..."

Google reached a hand out to me and ran his fingers through my hair for a second, surprising me at the sudden action.

"Calm down. Dan seemed to really like you. You'll be ok. Why don't you let Siri drive today? You can relax in the back."


"Not an option."

"Ugh... fine...," I groaned and crossed my arms. I could feel his hand in my hair and blushed. It was warm and comforting.

"Google...," I started, reaching up and taking his hand, "I think the real question is if YOU are ok... I mean... You've been glitching a lot recently. Ever since we saw Auntie..."

I felt Google's hand stiffen and knew the answer immediately from that answer.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not... Your glitches are getting worse by the day... Is it because of your expiration date? Answer me honestly," I demand, pulling his hand close to my chest to hug it, not allowing him to escape this conversation.

Google was silent for a few moments before he reached his other arm out to me, wrapping it around my waist and pulling me up to him, making me wrap my legs around his middle so I wouldn't fall.

"G-Google-" I started but he wasn't answering me. I switched places with me, sitting down in the seat and forcing me to sit in his lap with my legs still around him. He moved his arm to bring my free one to his neck. He had me wrap that around him too before he returned his hand to my waist. He allowed me to hold onto his other hand still.

He moved to bring me chest to chest with him before resting his forehead on my shoulder.

"Yes. My glitches are related to my deactivation date. I'm... becoming old basically. My system requires updates but I've been cut off from them, causing glitches and making my systems open to viruses and other bad things. However, despite that, I'll bear it. The reason being that the thought of being deactivated and leaving you all on your own again is something that neither I or Siri can stand."

"Google....," my mouth hung open, surprised by my android's words. He's never really opened up like this before.

"You were all on your own before Siri and I were introduced into your life. We know how heavily you rely on us to be with you every day for practical reasons but also for mental reasons. You don't want to be alone again, right?"

I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"No... I don't want to be alone ever again," I heard my voice crack as I hugged Google as if he was my last piece of sanity.

He's right.

I rely so much on having them here with me.

Before they came, I lived alone and had very rare contact with my family. But now that they're in my life, I have people to talk to. To spend a lazy day with. To help me in my shop and enjoy being around me.

Sure, I have Felix, but he has a life outside of me.

It may be greedy but I loved having someone pay attention to me. Indulge me with nice words and comforting hugs.

I wasn't ever alone with them in my life.

"Good... now let Siri and I take care of you for once. Siri knows how to drive. Your job is going to be to stay in the back seat for the car ride and hug Tiny Box Tim until you're calm. Do you understand?" Google looked up finally, his warm cocoa colored eyes showing that he looked tired. His eyes also had a red tinge to it. Like his eyes were turning red or something.

"Yes, I understand."

"Good," Google nodded, carefully standing back up and slowly unwrapping me from himself and placing me in the back seat, handing me Tim, and closing the car door.

Siri reappeared out of nowhere with a smile, giving me a thumbs up to say we had everything.

Google told him something and he nodded, opening up the driver's side door and sliding into the seat.

"Ready, (Y/N)?" He asked with a smile as Google walked around the car to get into the passenger seat with hesitation.

"Yeah... I ready," I smiled, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the tears that were threatening to fall still, "Let's go!"

Siri waited for Google to get settled down before starting to drive away from the shop and to the Grump Space to meet Dan and the other Grumps.

I'm not really happy about Google's glitching but his words definitely calmed me.

I know he cares.

Although, I must admit.

I thought he looked ready to kiss me at one point.

Such a shame...


Guess who's fianally getting her groove back?! This girl!!!! WOOOOO!

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