Adorkable Receptionists

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The car ride was pretty calm after that.
Google didn't move at all and Tim was guarding him with his tiny box life.
Siri and I would speak every now and then whenever he had a question about something he'd see such as a man on a street corner twirling a sign or a person jogging with their dog's leash tied around their waist.
He always looked so fascinated by everything around us and he looked out the window in awe for most of the trip. In all the trip was about 1 ½ hours to get there since Siri and I stopped at a store along the way to get something.
Siri would check on Google every now and again to make sure his hardware was still functioning without his core processor on. He'd hum if everything was alright but grunt if he saw something wasn't right. He did however fix anything he found fairly quickly.
He actually looks really handsome while he's 'sleeping'.
He also looks a lot younger too.
Younger and innocent rather than mature and hard headed like he normally is. Google's so stubborn with tell me how he feels that I feel like I just keep ramming into a brick wall and expecting another result other than pain.
It makes me feel a little bit bad to be forcing him to be in the car but it's for his own good.
He needs the closer of knowing that Auntie Sherry is ok. When I called last night they told me that she was stable and being well taken care of. She apparently had been asking about Google's whereabouts and was worried sick. She'd been asking about him since she woke up a few weeks ago but because she was in ICU for so long she wasn't allowed to have visitors until last week. I would've planned this trip sooner had I known what happened to her. It's all going to be fine. I just know it.
I pulled into the hospital parking lot and stopped the car, making sure we had a spot closer to the front. There was a tree in front of us so the spot was even hidden from the blistering hot sun from today. Siri and I had stopped for flowers earlier so I turned around to check on them.
This as beautiful as when we bought them.
"Alright, you can wake Google now, Siri. We're here," I told my green haired friend in the back. Siri nodded and gently removed the tip of his thumb again to reveal the USB again. He moved Google's shirt to get to his shoulder's USB port before carefully starting his processor up again. Google's face twitched and he eventually put a hand on his face. He rubbed over his eyes and adjusted his glasses. I gently reached a hand out to his cheek to help wake him up a bit from the sudden hand on him. He twitched and shot a hand up to mine, holding it for a second before relaxing.
"What happened...?"
"You stopped processing for a little. Don't worry, Siri woke you up. Everything's ok and we're already at the hospital," I calmly explained before unbuckling my seatbelt with one hand and let Google hold onto my other for a little longer. Siri smiled at us and picked up the flowers in the back to hold them. He was staring at Google, as if he was reading his mind or something. Or at least it seemed like it because Siri broke out in a huge smile and seemed to be biting back a joyful laugh.
But all good things must come to an end.
"Ok Big guy, It's time to go. We've got an aunt to visit." I told him and he frowned a little before he released my hand reluctantly.
I let go of Google's cheek after a bit and climbed out of the car. I went around the car and opened Google's door before helping him out of the car. Google held onto me while I wrapped an arm around his waist and draped his arm over my shoulders. Siri got out and closed the car doors.
"Thank you, Siri."
"Of course."
Google was trying to regain his body's functions and be able to walk on his own but I was going to help until he was able to do that. We all walked into the hospital and went to the front desk. I passed Google over to Siri and approached the woman at the desk. Her name plate on the counter said her name was Jade.
"Excuse me?"
Jade jumped and looked up from her keyboard, "O-Oh! Sorry Miss you startled me. Can I help you with something?"
Her warm smile and dorkishly large circle shaped glasses made her look really adorkble.
"Yes actually. I'm looking to visit someone named Sherry Howard. She's my aunt," I told her and she nods.
"Alright just give me one moment to look," She told me before clacking away on her keyboard for a minute before she wrote something on a sticky note, "Here you are, Dear."
"Thank you."
"No problem! Have a nice day," She grinned and watched as I took my boys down the hall and looked at the sticky note in my hand. Jade had written the room number with a small squid like drawing the the corner that had a face on it. It was actually kinda cute.
I think I recognize the squid creature from something but I'm not sure what.
Oh well.
Anyway, I took Siri and Google to the correct room. The hallway was long and brightly lit with a bunch of glass windows. Nurses walked around and there was what looked to be an elderly couple holding hands outside of one room with stressed looks on their faces. A nurse walked out of the room with a grin and announced that their daughter had successfully given birth without any complications and that they could go in and see her.
Aww. How sweet! I hope that baby has a wonderful life.
I found the correct room at the end of the hall. It has a smiley face sticky stuck to the name plate that had my aunt's name on it. I looked up at Google to see if he was ok.
His face held clear hesitation and he seemed scared out of his wits. He held onto me to keep himself upright and I made sure to keep a hold on him so he wouldn't bolt.
I already know the answer to this question but I guess I'll ask anyway.
"Are you ready, Google?"
"Google, Dearest, everything is going to be fine. I thought I already told you that."
"You did but that doesn't mean I'm ready for this."
"Google, trust me. Siri and I are right here if you need us."
"Great! Let's go then!"
I took Google into my hold and opened the door after knocking. Siri stepped into the room behind us and shut the door, but Google and I had halted in our place. Siri bumped into us and let out a 'oof' before looking around us. His jaw practically dropped to the floor at the sight we were witnessing.
Google and I stood there with Siri behind us in shock. Both of our eyes were wide as the three male figures all snapped their attention to us quickly all at the same time.
However what they looked like was about the last thing I was expecting to see...

Three copycat look alikes of Google.


Woohoooo!!!! Finally back! I've been in summer school so I got really busy but I'm finally back to writing!  I'm so happy!

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye*

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