Car Rides and Tiny Boxes

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If you see words that shouldn't be where they are such as hair color, eye color, or names, please do say so in the comments. I have to put an OC in the story to write properly before replacing it with the add in your own stuff and every now and then one will slip past me like a few have in this chapter. As far as I know they're fixed but please do say if you see something.
Thank you!

"Stupid keys getting stuck in stupid places I can't reach," I grumbled as Google dragged me out of the house.
"Serves you right," he commented back with clear irritation in his voice.
"Jerk," I mutter under my breath only to get a sharp glare back. Deciding to hide behind my (h/c) hair at his cold gaze, I marched onward to my car. It wasn't anything fancy but it was mine. I got it from my grandmother when I was 16. It will be my favorite car no matter what people say because it's mine. No one else's.
It's a simple 2001 Honda CRV with a goldish brown coloring on the outside and inside. The seats were cloth so I didn't have to worry about sticking to them in the summer heat like people with leather seats did. Being the older model it was and the retro person I was, I didn't mind that it had a 6 CD changer in the console. I had a little folder in the glove box that held all of my music. I had a little palm sized Pikachu plushie that my friend sent me from Japan hanging off my rearview mirror, and an adorable little cube sitting on my right back seat. I gave it a face and some pipe cleaner arms and little paper gloves to make it even more adorable. It was more of a crate then a box but it was still tiny all the same. It fit nicely in my palms whenever I picked it up and it was cuter than a freaking biscuit.
Now, Google has never seen my car. It's been in the garage and I've been leaving him home whenever I go out for a minute. He always seemed frazzled whenever I got home. I'd leave for twenty minutes to go buy milk or something and he'd be following me around like I was in danger or something. It's just milk.
Anyway, when we got to my driveway where I'd parked my car last he seemed to stop for a moment. I could practically hear the legitimate gears in his brain turning as he realized what we were about to get in.
"Do you have any other mode of transportation," He asked almost nervously.
"Nope. Why?"
"It's... never mind."
'That was weird. Oh well.' I thought as I opened the passenger side door for Google to get in.
"Alright, get in," I said as he reluctantly climbed in. He looked deeply disturbed by the vehicle.
"Google are you ok? You look horrified," I called out his odd behavior.
"I'm fine."
"If you insist I guess. Just tell me if you can't handle this. You seem like you're going to puke. Although I doubt that you could being... yeah...," I wasn't sure if he could take offense to being called a robot. I don't wanna insult him since I don't know what consequences that would yield.
I closed his door after he got buckled in and went to my own side of the car. I put my keys in the ignition and started the car quickly. As soon as Google looked up onto my rearview mirror for a moment though he saw my tiny box in the back of my car. He gaped at the thing before reaching back to grab it as I pulled out of the driveway. Google pulled the box into his lap and stared for a moment, analyzing his new companion.
"May I claim this," He asked politely for a change.
"Uh. Sure? Why," I asked, turning onto the main road and exited the neighborhood. He gave me my next direction before going back to my question.
"I would like to give this vessel a name. May I?"
"I guess...?"
"I shall name this tiny box Tim."
"Tiny Box Tim? Or just Tim?"
"I approve of your first suggestion more than the second."
"Whatever floats your boat, weirdo."
"Saving name to memory bank...."
He spaced out for a moment as he filed his thoughts away to be kept safe. He gave me the next sets of directions until the Google Building was in view. It had a sign on it that claimed their name was "Google Store and Technical Support". That'll be good to keep in mind. I pulled into the front of their building and parked, unlocking the door to let an externally tense Google out. He doesn't seem to like cars for some reason.
"Ok Google, let's go."
He groaned and got out of the car reluctantly, despite clearly not wanting to be in the car. He must hate this building more. I grabbed onto his arm so that he couldn't run away and dragged him into the building.
It was huge on the inside with over the top award showcases and products to buy lining the walls and counters throughout the space. Google pulled against my grip, freezing in place so that I couldn't move him easily. However, using my power as his temporary admin user, I got him to budge on command. We approached the help desk in the corner where a very bored looking 30 year old man sat on a stool. He didn't seem to be paying too much attention as we walked up.
"Um... excuse me, Sir? We need some help," I started, hoping to catch his attention. He did and looked up at me with an excited smile.
"Hello there! What can I help you with?"
"My friend here's been having some issues in his software I think. Do you think you can take a look at him?"
"Uh Miss... I'd hate to break it to ya but... I'm not a doctor."
I had to figure out what he mean for a second. He thought Google was a real person.
"Oh! No no no. He's uh... he's not...," I tried to explain, not wanting to say he's a robot out of fear of offending him.
"Google IRL? Is that what you mean," he asked after a minute. I sighed in relief that he'd figured it out. I nodded and he smiled warmly at me again.
"Ok, I can help you with that. Just have him sit over there," The man, who's name tag said "Dave", pointed behind him to what looked like an examination table in a small room behind a curtain.
I gave Google a look to tell him to do as told. He groaned again before following his orders and entering the small room behind the man. I went to go join him but I was stopped.
"I'm afraid that due to the dangers of possible electric currents or shocks that happen while I do this could be dangerous to you so if you could stay here that'd be great," He explained nicely to warn me before he went behind the curtain and shut the door behind it.
I sat down against the counter on the ground and waited patiently.
And waited.
And waited some more.
'What's taking so long!?'
I looked around and noticed that the store was empty and that most of the lights above flickered for a moment.
'What the...?'
I got up from the ground and looked out the window.
'It's the middle of the day! Why are the lights out? And where is everyone?'
I yelled in my head as I began to look around.
After searching a few counters I heard a door behind me fly open and something loud run into the room, quietly saying profanities and "they're going to find me."
The thing cowered behind the counter holding all the laptops.
"Um... hello? Is someone there," I asked, hoping for them to respond. I saw a head poke up from behind the counter but it was so shadowed over that I couldn't make out any details about them.
"I... I'm (Y/N)... are you ok...? Who are you," I ask, slowly approaching the counter slowly.
".... You'll send me back, won't you?"
"You'll pretend to be my friend and then as soon as my guard is down you'll double cross me," they claimed, their voice seemed to be messed up so I couldn't figure out if it was male or female.
"No I won't... I-I promise... can you tell me who you are...?"

".... I'm-"


Sorry!!! I thought leaving it on a cliff hanger would keep people interested and raise suspense! Tell me what you think in the comments!
Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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