His Rage and Her Worry

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Google's POV:

She's safe.

She's not here and she's safe.

That's perfect. I can go all out without her watching. And Siri is going to be back at any moment.

I would rather him get her out of here and leave me to deal with this, but he wants to have justice as well.

Our scans of her when Sherry snapped showed increased heart rate and Siri was able to locate signs that her heart was broken.

Not physically.

It's... like a feeling or something that humans have.

I learned from (Y/N) a few days ago that it's just an expression.

But it still means that it caused her mental and emotional distress.

That's enough for me to be ready to rip these other androids apart, piece by piece, until they're nothing but a pile of scrap metal.

Green grabbed my ankle from the ground and pulled to drag me down onto the floor. I twisted my ankle and body around and pulled it back towards me, dragging Green closer to me. Once close enough, I kicked my leg to land a hard blow into his face, causing him to let go of me.

He held his face with a cringe.

"Mark...," I heard that woman's voice ring out that makes rage rise inside me.

She'll pay for hurting her.

If Sherry is so willing to let her new androids hurt her own niece, then she should know that I'm willing to destroy said androids before they even get close to her.

"Mark, think about this. You know you can't stay with her. You'll be decommissioned by the end of next month. Are you sure you can handle giving her that heartbreak," She spoke coldly. This wasn't the Sherry I knew. I don't believe it. This woman is cold, unloving, and completely different than the kind, bubbly woman that built me.

She ordered me to go to her niece without a second though.

She just cast me out and told me to go find someone else.

But (Y/N) took me in without a second thought. She gave me the ability that move around all on my own by giving me permission to do anything I wanted to do as long as she didn't need me.

Sherry would order me around without a care.

(Y/N) however... She allowed me to live like I'm actually alive. That I'm not just some pieces of machinery thrown together with programs on how to act human.

She treats me like I AM a human.

"I am not "Mark". That is the name you have bestowed upon me but I am no longer yours. I am Google now. I won't let you take me from her. She needs me," I growled at her and felt a kick into my back.

"You shouldn't talk to Mistress Sherry like that," Red barked which made Sherry swoon.

"I'll talk to her however I want," I pushed myself off, knocking him off his feet and pinned him down. He struggled against my hold but I think I've had enough of this.

I managed to wrestle Red onto his stomach and planted my foot into his back, standing up with his arm locked into my grip. I pulled with little effort and Red was screaming. I did a quick scan and saw that I was succeeding in removing the arm that dared to touch my admin.

I felt something move on my side and looked over for a moment.

Siri had tackled Yellow who been trying to grab me. Deciding to not waste more time, I used more strength and pulled Red's arm right off of him. Sparks flew wild as Red screeched.

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