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"Google?" I softly called and rounded the corner, starting to reach my hand out to him to see if he was ok.
"(Y/N)! Don't!" Felix shouted behind me, grabbing my arm and trying to pull me back. I let out a soft grunt when his hand connected with my arm, seeming to drag Google out of his daze.
He snapped his head up and put Maya down on the floor. He got up faster than I've ever seen, a completely blank look on his face.
He stared hard at me, blood red eyes clearly trailed on me.
Siri was alerted when he put Maya down and looked horrified, quickly shouting at Felix and I, "RUN!"
Google balled up a fist, running straight for Felix and me.
Wait... no...
He's not running at Felix and me.
He's only running at me.
"Get down!" Felix shouted, grabbing me by the waist and throwing us both to the floor.
Google narrowly missed a solid punch directed at my face.
He hit the wall that had been behind me, distracting him long enough for Felix to help me up off the floor and to run a few feet away from him.
Google turned and reached a hand out to try and grab me but missed. He started to run after us.
"Siri! What's going on!?" I shouted, my green haired android throwing himself in between Google and me, taking a punch before grabbing onto the offending arm.
Google struggled with Siri, trying to throw him off but Siri was trying to force him down onto the floor like you would when subduing an insane patient.
"I'm looking!" He shouted back, "Hurry and get out of here!"
Felix dragged me by my hand, trying to get to the door as fast as possible but I saw his face go pale, making him stop dead in his tracks.
"Marzia!" He shouted in a scared panic, a crack forming in his voice from his fear, "She's still in the kitchen!"
I squeezed Felix's hand, pulling us to the door. I forced it open before throwing him out the door.
Maya and Edgar ran out the door after Felix, trying to follow Felix.
"I'll go get her. Stay out here!" I shouted at him, slamming the door closed and locking it so he couldn't follow me.
"What are you doing?! Get out of here!" Siri shouted at me, "It's a virus! I've found a virus in his system! You're not safe here!"
He was struggling to hold Google down.
I could see a few bruises forming on his synthetic skin and he was scuffed up.
Google's not going down without a fight. That's for sure.
I started to run toward where the kitchen was, hearing Siri yelp when he was chucked off of Google finally.
He hit the wall on the other side of the room, crying out upon impact. Google looked at me and dashed towards me.
He threw a hand to grab me but I ducked, making him miss. I rammed my body into his stomach to knock him down.
"Google! Listen to me! What's wrong?" I yelled at him, struggling to grab his wrists. I used my legs to pin his ankles down to the floor,
eventually getting his wrists pinned.
The last thing I want is for Google to punch me.
He's made of metal for damn sake.
Google stared up at me with an angry look in his eyes but that's when I noticed it. It wasn't anger. At least, I don't think.
It was pain.
He's in pain.

His eyes were changing between crimson red and the warm brown color I'd come to love seeing.
He started to speak, a glitching, pained voice leaving his throat.
"R-RuN.... plEAse...!"
His expression was pleading with me. He was scared.
The sudden look he had given me made my heart lurch, forcing me to let go of him for a split second. His eyes snapped back to red as soon as I let go. He pushed himself up and threw me off of him.
I hit the floor and skid against the ground. My left hand got trapped under my left arm, scratching me as I slid across the floor and causing a gash to appear.
I saw Google look scared again when I got up enough for him to see that my arm was bleeding.
Siri had gotten himself together and got off the floor, "(Y/N)!"
"I'm fine! It's just a scratch!" I yelled back and dashed to the kitchen.
Marzia was on the other side of the kitchen, reaching for some glasses on the top shelf. She had a pair of headphones in which explained why she hadn't heard the fighting.
I ran over to her and grabbed her arm.
She shrieked and turned around, "(Y/N)! Good god! You scared me!"
"I'm sorry, Marzia but this important! It's not safe here! We need to leave!"
"What? What's going on?"
"No time to explain!"
"Wait-!" She tried to protest but was cut off by Siri being thrown through the kitchen doorway. He crashed into the floor, getting up quickly and ramming into Google who had tried to go into the kitchen.
"No time!" I pulled Marzia to the patio door, seeing as the kitchen door was not an option.
I looked over, seeing Siri trying to push Google back, them both at equal strength as they attempted to overpower one another.
"Felix and the dogs are outside," I told her and threw the sliding glass door open and had us both run out of the house, "I promise I'll pay for anything they break!"
"Hold on! Who are they? What's going on?" Marzia asked in a panic, allowing me to lead her around the house to the front.
Felix was at the bottom of the stairs pacing back and forth.
"Are they ok...? I-I have to go get them... How? She locked the door," He nervously ranted to himself, his head in his hands as he tried to think.
"Felix!" Marzia called out, letting go of me to run to her boyfriend.
Felix looked up, turning around. I could see how scared he'd been.
His face was paler than the moon, his hands were shaking, and his cheeks were stained with fresh tears.
"Marzia!" He nearly screamed and threw his arms open, catching the running woman and spinning her from the impact, "Thank god!"
I ran over to them, hearing Felix mutter a bunch of Swedish words to the love of his life, smiling softly.
"As touching as this is, We can't stay here..." I remind them and look at the house.
Siri... he's still in there with Google.
"(Y/N), your arm...," Felix gasped at the sight, blood running down my arm and staining my fingertips.
I looked at my hand then at Felix, "It's ok. It actually doesn't hurt that much."
"Did he-" He took on an angry tone but I cut him off quickly.
"No." I pulled my keys out of my pocket and threw them to Felix, "Take my car. I need to stay here. I can't leave them."
"But-" Felix started to protest but I put my hand up.
"Google would never hurt me," I told him, a straight look on my face.
Felix looked conflicted, clutching the car keys I tossed him.
He can't get his own car since he'd have to go back into the house to get the keys and then get to the garage.
He sighed loudly, "You... Ugh, just be careful. If even one scratch ends up on your body then I'm personally tearing that bucket of bolts to pieces."


Finally got this written! Woooo! I'm going to see if I can write another chapter for a different story today. I'm getting behind because of school.

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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