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Siri looked a bit concerned but after my comforting gaze settled on him he seemed to calm down. Felix looked Siri up and down to try and guess his measurements but in the end grabbed a tape measurer. He walked up to Siri with it to which he was greeted with a shriek.
It took five minutes or so but Felix managed to back Siri into a corner where he couldn't escape without running into Felix. Felix took his chances and started taking the measurements. Siri kept squirming and laughing.
It was surprising to see.
I didn't think robots were ticklish.
Felix shouted in triumph when he got all the measurements he needed, and let Siri have some metaphorical air since Siri doesn't actually breathe.
"Alright! I think I have stuff that'll fit him. Marzia's been being a real peach and helping me come up with some new styles," Felix said and started to push Siri towards one of the huge closets. I followed behind with Google on my tail to see what was going on. Felix searched for the correct size for Siri before turning to me.
"What kind of style do you think he'd look good in? He's your robot after all."
"Hmm.... what about kinda punkish? Like skinny jeans and a lot of black but not enough to be edgy and stuff. No spikes," I answered, causing Felix to dig around on the clothes racks that were everywhere the closet and positioned in an organized manner. Felix pulled out some dark articles of clothes before dragging Jack out and into the bathroom to change.
Google put a hand on my shoulder.
"I don't like him," he said as bluntly as ever.
"Why?" I asked him and looked up into the hot cocoa colored eyes that were staring at me.
"He's too touchy," He responded and gave me a blank stare.
"He's not that bad. He's just excited. He doesn't get a lot of chances to dress people other than me up. He's just jumping at an opportunity," I told him and gently took Google's hand off my shoulder and held onto it, "I promise that everything is going to be fine."
"Define promise."
"A promise is a bond between people that means you swear something. Another way to phrase, I promise you'll be ok is: I swear that you are going to be fine."
"Duly noted. Saved," Google muttered and saved the information to his hard drive, "I promise that you won't ever need to worry about anything. You have me."
That surprised me. He's not usually one to be so... possessive.
His voice had been cold and held a very possessive tone to it. Like he had full intention of being the only one I relied on.
"I know... I didn't take your for the possessive type."
"Define possessive."
"It's kinda like a mentality that something belongs to someone. Like, I'm possessive of these rings because they were given to me by someone. Possessive basically is saying that something is yours," I explain they best I can. Google stood there for a moment to process and nodded.
"Duly noted. So in a way you are possessive of me because I belong to you."
"Not exactly. Well actually I guess that would be right. I'm not possessive but I'm in possession of you. Possessive people are claiming things as theirs whereas I'm simply in possession of you. To be in the possession of something is that you have something. I am in possession of both you and Siri but I claim these rings possessively. Do you see?"
Google thinks before nodding, "yes I think I understand that."
I smiled at him and gave his large warm hand a squeeze. His hand vibrates a little from what I noticed. The robotic pieces and parts under the synthetic skin whirl and move with each fake breath and movement he makes. Most would be put off by the soft vibration against their hand but to me it's comforting.
Google looked down at me and looked like he was going to ask something. He had an intense look in his eyes that gave him a serious air to him.
And then Felix burst in with Siri, ruining the mood.
"I do believe I've out done myself! Look at him," Felix said excitedly and pushed Siri out in front of him. He'd dressed him in black skinny jeans paired with a plain black t-shirt. He'd put a dark grey hoodie over top of the t-shirt and gave him some black converse shoes. A matching grey beanie sat atop his head and a black bracelet had been placed on his wrist.
Siri looked horrifically embarrassed but the outfit actually suited him.
"Well? What do you think?"
"He looks amazing!" I grin and let go of Google's hand. He frowned when I let go of him and he crossed his arms in a pout. Siri however looked down with his cheeks heating up in a blush.
"I love it! Good work! Now this one!" I pushed Google towards Felix who looked him over.
Felix nods and grabbed Google's arm, dragging him away. He tried to rip his arm back but it wasn't working very much since he was more worried about being taken away from me.
"How's it feel, Siri," I asked and looked at him.
"Better than my last clothes. Thank you..." He told me and rubbed his arm. I smiled and hugged him softly, "Glad to know you like your clothes."
"Ahem! Now the next one!" Felix interrupts again so I pulled away from Siri to look at Google.
Felix pushed Google out to show off the simple blue jeans and soft blue t-shirt. He had a red and black flannel over the t-shirt with some simple black running shoes. His glasses hadn't been touched. He looked great and his clothes showed off his muscles very well.
I had to shake my head to get out of my thoughts before nodding.
"He looked amazing! Great job as always Felix!" I praise and Google immediately strides over to my side to get away from Felix.
"Thank you! Thank you! You're too kind," Felix bows and crossed his arms over his chest.
"So what's with the robotic guys anyway?"
"Long story, Fe. Not worth explaining right now. I'll call you later with a story ok?"
"Fine but you have to promise you'll go out to lunch with me and Marzia on Tuesday," Felix grinned and slapped a hand on his chest as he sighs at the thought of his absolutely beautiful girlfriend.
"Sure. Thanks so much for the help."
"No prob," He winks and I smile, grabbing onto both of my boy's hands.
"Alright. I've got work so I should be off," I told Felix and got ready to leave.
"Already?! You just got here!"
"Well if I had cooperation in my house earlier than maybe I could've stayed longer," I glare at my two, now smartly dressed, androids.
"Fine. Call me, ok?"
"Of course, Fe."
I pulled all three of us away and back to my car.


Hooray! New chapter! Finally! And my second thing tonight! Woohooo!!!

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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