Not So Grump

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Hey, (Y/N)? There's uh... a weird guy in the shop. He hasn't ordered anything and he's just been watching you and the guys for the last few hours," I heard my friend come up behind me and muttered in my ear so that customers wouldn't here. I looked back at my good friend MatPat and smile.

"No, but I can look again," I told him. MatPat's been helping me out with the shop for the last few years while he's been starting up a youtube career. He's the smartest person I think I've ever known. Google and Siri don't count since their minds can connect to the internet. Everything MatPat knows is all in his head. It's kinda nice to have him around. He knows a lot about computers and animatronics. He's helped me fix Google's glitch from a little while ago. Apparently, it was a loose wire from the accident. The wire had been knocked out of place and it had been attached to his motor functioning circuit box. Luckily he was able to fix it.

I looked around and nodded, spotting a man in the corner of my coffee shop. He was probably in his late 30s and was looking every now and then at the laptop in front of him.

"Google, do you think you can watch the counter for a minute? I need to go speak with a customer," I asked the android who was currently under the counter fixing a pipe for me. He looked up at me and nodded, setting the wrench he had in his hand down, getting up from under the counter and looking around to see what I meant.

The thing about the mugs and cups at my store is that they all aren't matching. I enjoy the thought of everyone getting to have their own mugs with different designs. That way drinks aren't mixed up and it's a good conversation starter for people on dates and if people just wanna make friends.

"Ok, but be careful. I don't like him," he said and I walked over to the table that the man was sitting at. He had his hood up so couldn't see his face very well but he had a lot of hair from what I could tell. Afro styled I think. Before I'd walked over, I grabbed a mug with a dinosaur on it and filled it with a simple dark roast coffee.

"Excuse me, sir," I softly said and he turned to me. He looked a lot younger than I think he is and he closed his laptop pretty quick. I noticed something on the screen that looked like coding or something as well as a Word document open before it was closed.

Huh. Wonder what he was doing.

He took his hood off to reveal a large brown mass of hair that he'd attempted to tie back He had a set of warm brown eye that matched the coffee in my hand. His face was a bit longer and his nose a little large, but he was still very handsome. He greeted my gaze with a smile of perfect teeth made into a goofy grin.

"Oh! Hey! Sorry didn't see you there," He greeted with a friendly tone, sounding happy and very sociable. I feel like I've seen him somewhere before.

"Don't worry, it's all good. So, my employees were wondering if you were alright. You've been here a few hours and we were just checking to see if you were ok," I told him casually and set a mug down near his right hand.

"I uh didn't-"

"I know. It's on the house. I'm gonna guess, overworking boss that keeps piling stuff onto you. That why you look so stressed?"

"Oh no. I'm a musician actually, I was trying to think of new songs for the two bands I work on," He smiled, almost too kindly, and gladly accepted the mug from me, "I actually wrote a song about dinosaurs back in 2010."

Two bands...



"Oh my god, are you Dan Avidan?

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