Emergency Call

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Google's been staring at me for waaay too long for comfort. He keeps looking like he needs to tell me something but he never just says what he's thinking.
Assuming he thinks.
What do computers do... process?
I don't know.
Siri's been kinda quiet too...
"You two ok? You're awfully quiet..." I point out which makes both androids jump and look at me.
"Something wro-wro-wrong?"
What the...?
"Google? Are you glitching again...," I asked him to which he shakes his head and looks away. His hand twitches and so does his head for a moment.
"U-Uh User! Where are we heading? I can take us there," Siri jumps in, having me focus in him for a moment.
"Oh! I'm heading to my coffee shop. I own the best one in town! Better than that overpriced trash Starbucks offers," I pride myself and smiled brightly, "I haven't been in a few days and bags bad so I need to open up shop today. I don't have enough workers right now so maybe you and Google can help with that."
"You mean assist you in something?"
"Exactly. I need help at the shop."
"Noted. Ok, what would you like us to do?"
"I need help with making coffee when I get busy and serving. It's a tough job to do all on my own."
"Ok. I think we might be of some assistance."
"Thanks Siri. Google what about you?"
Google flinched and nodded.
Something's wrong...
"Ok Google."
Google sat up straight and glared.
"Tell me what's wrong."
"This vehicle makes me uncomfortable."
"Mistress Sherry."
"That's not helpful, Google. Elaborate."
"The reason I'm in your possession is because Mistress was involved in an accident in a vehicle. She was hit dead on by a person who was texting and speeding. I don't know her condition but I know she is alive."
"....so that's why you're so afraid of the car... Google, were you in the car when the accident happened?"
"Please tell me what happened..."
Google sighed and began to tell me what happened.


Google and Sherry were in their way down the road at night like they did every now and then.
"Google, Dear, you're so quiet! Lighten up! You were just at a party! Be happy," she told him happily. Sherry was responsible and chose not to drink luckily so she was driving perfectly fine.
"Mistress. You know that I don't have the programming to do that."
"I'll have Brian fix that on Monday. Oh! Have I told you about my niece before? Oh she's such a sweetheart! I'm sure you'd love her. Her name's (Y/N). She's 19 right now and lives a few towns over. She runs a coffee shop there. I think I have her address saved in her contact information. I should also have a picture! You should take a look," Sherry fawned over her only niece.
Google pulled up a tab and went into Sherry's contacts, finding her niece and looking at the photo.
"Is this her?"
"Yep. That's her! Isn't she just darling," Sherry sighed happily and acted as if (Y/N) was her own child.
"Yes. She is indeed beautiful."
"And she's got a personality to go with those looks too!"
Sherry laughed and smiled softly before it dropped and she became serious. "Google if anything ever happens to me... please go to her. She's all alone without her parents and could really use someone to be here for her since I can't be. Will you do that for me?"
"Of course, Mistress. I'll head right to her in the event of something happening."
"Thank you, Google."
"Anything for- look out!" Google shouts and Sherry gasped, trying to swerve out of the way but it was too late. A car going around 100mph hit them dead on.
Google grabbed Sherry and took the brunt of the force, knocking him out for a few minutes, but when he came back online he noticed she was bleeding and unconscious. The car around them had erupted into flames and it was becoming hotter and hotter by the second as flames licked at their skin. Google quickly started to call the police while using what strength he had to push bent pieces of metal out of the way to get Sherry out of the car and onto the ground beside it. He crawled out next and picked her up, taking her several feet away to get away from the wreckage.
A woman answered the call.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"My...friend... and I were just hit by a car. I'm ok but my friend is hurt and is unconscious. The car is on fire and so is the other one. I don't think the driver of the car that hit us is alive."
"Ok. Just stay calm. Do you know where you are?"
Google gave them the location and ran to the other car, beginning to pull the other driver out of her car. She was still alive from what a quick scan told him but she's fading fast.
Google got her out and placed her on the ground next to Sherry, speaking with the woman on the phone as fire trucks and ambulances arrived to help.
Sherry and the driver were loaded into the backs of the ambulances and Google rode with Sherry.
After arriving at the hospital, Google was told that visitors weren't allowed right now and that he needed to go home.
Google couldn't go home without Sherry with him but he remembered something.
The niece.

-Flashback end-

I can't believe I forced Google to have to ride in a car after something like that. I can remember that look still of how scared he was of me getting into the car and then having to get in himself. It was like he was reliving a nightmare.
"I'm sorry..."
"You didn't know."
"I should've asked though."
"It's not your fault."
I took one hand off the wheel for a second and reached over to gently hold Google's hand.
"You don't have to be tough all the time...," I told him and squeezed his larger hand before he sighed.
"Duly noted."
"Thank you... for saving her..."
"She was my user. I can't just let her die after she took me in."
"You're not as heartless as I thought then... thank you for honoring her promise too..."
"A promise is a promise."
"How about... how about tomorrow we go visit Sherry?"
"I'm not sure that's a-"
"Google. She needs to know your ok."


I know it's a little shorter than normal but it explains what happened at least! And I finally got a chapter out for this as well so woohoo!

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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