Repair Woman

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The drive home was so awkward. Google glared at Siri using the rear view mirror to see him. Siri had curled up into his seat. He pulled his knees to his chest, twitching slightly from what I'm going to guess is a loose wire. I'll ask Google to show me how to fix him when we get home. He stayed quiet while Google gave me directions home. Google's deep smooth voice was a bit relaxing but my mind was still buzzing with adrenaline from just now. I literally just stole something from Google and not caring. I feel so bad but I know what I did was right.
'What was I thinking!? I can possibly care for two animatronic men on my own! I don't even know anything about robots!'
I pulled into my driveway with that thought. Google jumped out of the car quickly, seemingly happy to see the ground again. He really does hate cars I guess.
I got out after Google and opened the back door for Siri. Siri didn't move from his spot and stayed where he was. He looked over at me and pulled himself into a tighter ball. He lightly backed away from me when I held my hand out. He moved back until his back hit the door on the other side of the room. He lightly twitched again. Seems he's scared of me... but I guess that makes sense.
"Siri I'm not going to hurt you... please come out of the car..."
Siri froze. His programming taking over and decided to reach out to grab my hand. However his hand didn't reach mine because Google ran towards the car. He pulled the car door that Siri was leaning against open. Siri shrieked a shrill scream due to his voice chip being pretty busted. He hit the ground, not reacting to how painful it sounded since he couldn't feel pain. Google glared at Siri, staring down at him angrily.
"Do. Not. Touch. Miss (Y/N)," He growled out. He walked around the car and grabbed my hand into his much larger one. He tried to pull me towards the door but I stopped him by pulling on my own hand to jerk his arm backwards.
"Whoa, wait, wait, Google that's not ok! Apologize to Siri," I commanded, not alright with how our guest was being treated. Siri was already terrified of us and I don't want to make it worse. Google seemed like he wanted to protest but his primary objective got in the way. He turned to the robot that was trying to stand up and glared before speaking.
"I am sorry."
Google then began to drag me towards the door again. Siri got up finally without a word and followed behind us carefully. Now that I could see him in the light, I noticed that his grey t-shirt was dusty along with his faded blue jeans. He had on a pair of beat up tennis shoes to cover his feet. His bright green hair was tangled and looked like it was in desperate need of a wash. Siri's skin was much paler than google's and his bright blue eyes seemed like they had broken whatever soul he could've had inside him. Google was in much better condition. Perfectly combed hair with clean crisp clothing and what looked to be new shoes. His brown eyes held purpose and a slight hint of protection in them at this very moment.
"Hey Siri? May I ask you something," I asked. The android looked up from the ground as looked me in the eye. His core programming much be the same as Google's.
"Yes User (Y/N)?"
"First off, you don't have to call me 'User'. Just (Y/N) is fine."
"Noted for later."
"Ok and my question was, do you know what a bath is?"
Siri stayed quiet for a moment as we entered the house. He seemed like he was attempting to recall it but it wasn't working. I have him time to think as I kicked off my high top sneakers in my favorite color of (F/C). Google removed his own shoes and sat them next to mine by the door. Siri was still processing so I lead him to my couch so he could sit, Google following me close behind with a watchful stare. Once Siri was sat down, I removed his shoes for him and set them on the other side of my own shoes by the front door.
"I do not believe I know what this, "Bath", you speak of is. Please define," Siri finally spoke, looking at me. His voice had fluctuated from high to low and there was some static lost behind his words.
"Oh boy. Um. A bath is when... let's see...," I tried to explain it on the spot but nothing came to mind for a moment, "A bath is where you fill up a large container with water and sometimes soap that makes bubbles. A person or animal in some cases get in to clean themselves. Do you understand?"
"Noted for future reference. May I ask why you wanted to know," Siri nodded and asked. His voice was still on the fritz so I wasn't sure if this was the best plan. I'll ask Google.
"Ok Google," I started, making Google glare at me as his listening tone played out to let me know that I could say my question, "Are androids water resistant?"
"Yes. Google IRL androids and the unreleased Siri IRL androids are both water safe. However, I do not recommend putting your current Siri IRL into water with loose wiring," He answered quickly as always. I nodded before standing up.
"Alright then. Siri, stay here. I'll be right back. Google, you come with me. I need a tall person."
"Yes (Y/N)," they said in unison. Google followed me to the garage in his usual watch dog like tendency. I pointed to a box on the top shelf of a rack I had in my garage. I wasn't a really handy person but my brother who used to live with me was. He'd left me some of his tools to mess around with if I needed them when he went off to live with his girlfriend. They were so cute together.
"Can you get that down for me? I'm going to repair Siri," I claimed. Google reached up with a low growl and grabbed the box of tools for me. He got them down but didn't give them to me. He claimed that they were too heavy for me to carry.
That's all he said, holding the box and staring down at me expectantly.
"Explain what?"
"Why you took in another android."
"Oh. Because he needed my help and he was terrified of those people. I couldn't just leave him there Google."
"But you already have me."
"That doesn't mean I can't be a nice person and help someone in need," I responded, putting another small box on top of the one Google was holding, "I know you don't like him but please, try and get along. He needs me Google."
"....," Google muttered something again before turning around to take the things I gave him back to the living room. I swear I thought I heard him say, 'I need you more than he does."
Maybe I'm just hearing things.
I turned the lights in the garage off before heading back inside.


Hey! Sorry I'm a bit late. School got in the way. Ugh. Anyway, I finally got this chapter up and the next chapter for "Inside the Game" will be out sometime today I hope. Hope you enjoyed!

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye*

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