Between The Doors

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I watched Felix drive off, seeing him glance back at me several times before I was out of sight for him.

I turned back to the house and made my way around back, carefully entering the house again through the glass door that I had escaped from not even two minutes ago. I searched the house, trying to find where my two boys had gone.

I peeked around corners and checked room but didn't find anything. It was eerily quiet in the house, like no one was inside at all.

Well, at least it was until I heard a door slam closed down the hallway I was in.

Running, I managed to carry myself over and saw Siri, huffing and puffing with a door behind his back.

He looked over and spotted me, his entire face went cold and his eyes widened, "Why are you still here!?"

"I can't leave you two here... I'm your friend...," I answered and walked over, hearing a sudden pound on the door behind Siri.

"How is he?" I asked.

"Still kicking... He should be trapped in there so it's safe for now." He sighed and thumped his head on the door. "You should've left with Felix..."

"I should have but I couldn't leave you two alone here," I told him and sat down next to him. Google was scarily quiet behind the door, "I have a question."

"Ask away," He told me and rolled his head towards me.

"Do you guys have a way to manually shut you down?"

"Shut... shut down... are you...," He looked horrified at the idea. Siri shifted a little away from me before answering. "Yes... We have a manual shut down system. It's not on our body. It's internal. It's different for every model so I'm unsure of Google's shut down program. Mine is a vocal command. If you were to want to shut me down, you need to set up a personal phrase. Would you like to set up a personal shut down phrase?"

A small screen was pulled up in front of Siri. He looked a little uncomfortable, almost scared of the screen.

I looked at it. It asked the same question with a yes or no option. I pressed yes and saw his face fall almost sadly.

It pulled up a keyboard and I typed in a random phrase I had heard someone say once.

'Booper Dooper' was the phrase that I put in.

Siri looked confused at the saying, "What does that mean...?"

"Well... it's not exactly a physical thing... it's more of an idea. A concept. It's the three of us together. It's... everything and nothing at the same time."

"I... don't follow."

"That's ok. I'll explain it better some other day," I shook my head and laughed a little. "Do you think Google is going to be ok...?"

"...Yes. His security system is fighting that virus pretty hard. However, I'm not really sure how fast that process will be. Think of it like a human virus. It's a sickness that has to go away with time. Only, androids experience something close to human pain. We don't really 'hurt' but we can tell that something is wrong. Our 'pain' is how we feel as our operating systems attempt to rid us of the virus."

"Google looked like he was in so much pain...," I argued back but Siri shook his head. He wasn't really in pain. He was straining his control system in attempt to keep from hurting you, thus why it looked as if he was replicating the human feeling of pain."

So he wasn't in pain. He was just struggling.

"However, I must say, he must have been struggling hard if it meant that he was able to put up that much of a fight. He may have attempted to harm you because of the virus but he was able to stay enough in control that all he managed to do to you was throw you across the room."

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