Chapter 6: Die like Romeo and Juliet?

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When I was writing this I was listening to 'I'll stand by you' by The Pretenders. It was so sad and I was crying so hard!

I dedicated the title to you Hannah!!

Peeta's POV

My world shatters around me as I watch the ambulance drive off into the distance. "KATNISS!" I scream after her. I see Finnick storming over to a scared looking Glimmer, tears streaming down his face.

That's when it sinks in. Glimmer murdered Katniss, and now I'm gonna murder her. I stand up shakily. "NOOOO NOOOO KATNISS, PEETA!" Prim is still on the ground crying out for her sister.

I walk over to where Finnick has Glimmer pushed up against a tree with his arm against her throat.

I punch Glimmer in the face and walk away. Tears are rolling down my face and the pain in my heart in undescribable

That's when it hits me. This is all my fault, I couldn't save her. I'm a lifeguard and I was freaking out too much to save her.

In order for her to be remembered in a good, positive way I can't be here. Me being here will only lead to others thinking of how I had the chance to save her and I didn't. I must die.

The cries and the screams of the crowd bring me out of my thoughts. There are little children clutching onto their parents for dear life after just witnessing a 20 year old girl get murdered by someone who everyone thought was a princess.

I feel all my emotions bubble up inside of me until I eventually let them all out in one big scream. Everyone looks at me, tears are stained on everyone's red, blotchy faces.

I see police trying to get the crowd to back away, and also see them shoving Glimmer into the back of their car.

"Kaaaaatnisssss!" I let out a long wail and I stumble towards little Prim who is still lying on the edge of the pool. I crumple down to the ground next to her. "NOOOO! NOOOO KATNISS! PLEASE, PLEASE!" I cry, my tears soaking the ground.

It's like all the light has been sucked out of my world. The girl I love is gone forever and I will never see her again. Never see her smile that lights up the world, never see her sparkling silver eyes or her laugh. Never get to hold her im my arms and protect her. Never get to kiss her or have a family. Katniss has no life ahead of her, other than the after life.

Prim clings to me as her tears soak into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her and my tears fall into her hair, but neither of us care.

This is it, I need to die. Once they take Prim away I'm going to die, I'm going to join Katniss. It's all my fault.

"Mr Mellark, can you follow me please?" One of the officers said. "You too, Miss Everdeen." Prim and I cling to each other as we stand up. I can't see where I am walking because my eyes are so blurry with tears. I can feel little Prim shaking beside me.

We sit in the back of the car and I see Finnick trying to calm down a very distressed Annie, and I see her start to hyperventilate. The car starts to roll forwards and I let the never ending flow of tears fall down my face.

We end up going to the hospital. I can't face the horrible memories and thoughts that come with being in a hospital. I see a man sitting over in the waiting room and once Prim sees him she runs over and they fall into an embrace, tears streaming down both their faces. That must be her uncle.

"Mr Mellark, Mr Abernathy, can I please speak to you?" A doctor says. I nod and follow her uncle down the corridor. "Are you her boyfriend?" Her uncle asks. "Um, kinda. I love her so much and we were going to the music festival tonight. I'm Peeta, by the way." I say. I shake his hand. "I'm Haymitch, and the music festival has been cancelled." I nod my head. I can't seem to stop the tears.

We walk for a little bit longer before we stop outside a door. "Do you want to see her?" The doctor asks. At first I think she is alive and then the real truth sinks in, she is never coming back. Haymitch shakes his head. "No, I better get back to little Primmy." He says, his voice cracking.

He turns around and walks back. I turn to the doctor. "Ok," I choke out. The doctor opens the door and lets me in. I hear it shut behind me.

I slowly lift my gaze from the floor and look at the hospital stretcher that is covered by the sheet. I slowly take heavy steps towards the bed where Katniss lays.

Slowly I reach a shaking hand in front of me and lift the sheet off her. I feel fresh tears well up in my eyes at the sight of her. She is so beautiful even in death. I brush some hair back from her forehead. I take her hand with my other hand and hold it tightly.

I look up at the ceiling trying to blink away tears that threaten to spill even more.

"Peeta." I hear a small voice. Prim shouldn't be here. I turn my head to face the door but I don't see Prim. "Peeta." I hear again.

My head whips around at the sound of her voice. I slowly and shakily lower my gaze down until I am staring at those beautiful liquid silver eyes.

"K-k-Katniss," my bottom lip trembles as even more tears try to spill. She lifts a hand up and rests it on my cheek. "I love you." She says to me in a small voice and before I can even register anything her lips have crashed onto mine.

Her arms sling around my neck and her fingers tangle in my hair, pulling me closer. My arms go around her waist and I pull her tightly to me as her lips move in sync with mine.

Her sweet, smooth lips against mine was a feeling I had been longing for since the moment I set eyes on her. Wait, wasn't she dead 30 seconds ago? But how?

I pull back and rest my forehead on hers. "I love you, too".


I just want to give a shoutout to hannahVorhees, who i had managed to convince that peeta and katniss were both going to die like romeo and juliet!

Your reaction was hilarious Hannah!!!!

Edited by SunshineRainbow7

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