Chapter 41: Eloping

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Peeta pulls me into a jewlery shop where we select our wedding rings for each other. We wait impatiently while the lady behind the counter fixes up the rings and the cost. After we have the rings safely in our pockets peeta pulls me back out into the hot summer air.

"Where are we going?" I giggle as we quickly walk down the street.

"I know a church that does on the spot weddings" he says as he pulls me onto a bus. I curl up next to him on the seat, tucking my legs up.

10 minuets later we get off the bus at a stop where there is a big strip of beach lined with palm trees. There are beachfront buildings set up along the shoreline. I can see the small chappel just ahead of us. Peeta pulls me inside and i giggle behind him.

I let go of peeta's hand as he talks to the lady behind the front desk. I walk around and look at all the photos of other couples that have gotten married here. They all look so happy, smiling with their new bride or groom.

"Katniss" i hear my name and i turn around from looking at the photo to see peeta staring at me with a smile on his face.

"Are you ready?" He asks holding out his hand and i take a few steps forward and slid my fingures between his. Together we walk through the double doors and down the isle that is lined with empty chairs. When we reach the front we wait for a few minutes until the celebrant comes out of a back room.

"Are you sure about this?" Peeta breaths in my ear and i turn my head so our faces are inches apart "never been surer of anything" i say and he leans in to kiss me but the celebrant pushes in claiming we cant kiss until we're married.

I smirk at peeta and squeeze his hand. Before the wedding starts.

The celebrant talks about everlasting love and then we say our vows, i can't stop smiling the whole time. We exchange the rings which we just bought and then sign the papers. finally he announces that peeta may kiss me.

Peeta's arms snake around my waist and pull me flush against him. My hands travel up and around his neck and then his lips are on mine. I kiss him back with so much passion. I try to put everything im feeling into the kiss. The let him know how much i love him, words cannot explain.

We pull apart peeta has a giant smile on his face, one that matches mine. "I now pronounce you husband and wife" the celebrant says and i smile widely as peeta leans in and gives me another quick kiss.

We thank the celebrant as we make our way out. I can't stop grinning and peeta wraps his arms around me tightly as we walk. "I love you" i say and he kisses the side of my neck "love you too, so much" he says.

We walk down the beach with our arms around each other. We decide to walk back to the hotel instead of catching the bus. Once we reach the strip of beach where the hotel is we sit down on the sand curled up together as we watch the sun slowly start to set.

"Hey lovebirds" we hear a man call out and i groan when i see its Rye and Josh walking towards us. "Relax" peeta breaths into my hair and i shiver, i can see him smirking out of the corner of my eye.

"Hows it going?" Josh ask as they sit opposite us. "We're actually on a short 2 hour honeymoon" i say and they both stare at us confused before it sinks in. "No way" Rue says as he reaches out and snatches mine and peeta's tangled hands. Both of their mouths drop when they see the two rings on our fingures.

"You sneaky little-" Rye starts but josh cuts in "as if you didnt invite is" he complains and i roll my eyes "no one was invited" i say "we eloped" they both sigh. "Everyone's gonna be so angry when we get back to Cali" Rye says and i shrug "i dont care what they think. I love peeta and he loves me."

"But when did you guys get engaged?" Josh asks and peeta and i both look around outside, avoiding the question. "Peeta..." Rye asks slowly and he sighs "um about an hour before we got married" he says and both the boys stare at us with their mouths hanging open.

"Are you kidding me?" Josh asks and i shake my head. "Well i guess you guys do like to do things differently. I mean, your having a baby" he says and i feel peeta's arm around me tighten.

"Yeah well its none of your business" i snap and they both look taken aback. "Hey sister, us finding out is nothing. Wait until everyone else finds out they missed it" josh says and they both stand up to walk back down the beach.

"See ya brother and sister" josh calls before they continue their walk.

"Everyone's gonna be really angry" i whisper and peeta kisses the side of my head "hey relax, it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks, okay? This is about us and the baby. Our new family" he says and i turn my head and smile at him. "Family" i say before he leans in and kisses me.


Im sorry i know its really really short but thats all i have time for at the moment. Im so busy with mid year exams and stuff so im trying my best to get this updated since its almost finished!!

OMG i just saw TFIOS!!! Has anyone else seen it yet? OMG it was so beautiful and so sad. I was crying through the whole movie!!!

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