Chapter 27: Goodbye

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A week. A whole week without Peeta. A whole week of suffering and a whole week of pain. A week of sitting in this dark, confined room, alone until Snow comes. His presence is a danger to me. I can't contain the screams anymore, the nightmares or the horrific pain that races through me. The only thing keeping me going at the minute is my baby. All hope of returning to Peeta is lost. Snow has caused the pain I feel of losing him.

I have hardly slept in the whole week. The only times I sleep are when I have been knocked unconcious. I am weak and my body has become nothing. I'd be surprised if my baby was still alive.

* * *

I let out a sob as the darkness becomes too much. I hear footsteps and then the door opens. I can't see anything but the dark gloomy figure of who I know is Snow.

I start to shake in the chair that I have been strapped to since day one.

"P-please d-don't hurt m-me." I shake and I hear an evil cackling laugh in response.

"Now, Katniss, what fun would that be? Well, it's you're lucky today. I have a surprise for you." He flips on a dim light and I can see him smirking.

"What d-do you w-want?" I cry, and he pulls something out of his back pocket. It's a phone.

"I'm going to let you call that worthless boyfriend of yours, just to give him some hope... False hope. Oh, yes, you can imagine the pain he would have been feeling this past week. The last sound he heard was you screaming." He laughs evilly and my heart races.

"No! Don't drag him into this! If I called him that would kill him!" I say, and Snow grins. "That's the whole point, Katniss." He dials the number and then unties one of my hands. He hands me the phone and I can barely lift it, that's how weak I am.

I carefully place the phone to my ear and I listen as it rings.

"Hello?" I hear a cracked, sad voice. I break down just at the sound of his voice. Hot tears roll down my face.

"Peeta." I whisper through my tears. "Kat? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me." I sob.

"Where are you? Oh my God, are you okay? I thought you were dead." He says, and i can tell he is crying.

"Peeta." I say. "Yeah?" He sounds cautious now. "I don't know where I am. I'm not dead, but almost." I cry softly.

"Almost? What do you mean almost? You're almost dead. Oh my God." He starts to hyperventilate. "Peeta, calm down. I love you, okay?" I say and he starts sobbing. "Kat, how are you able to call me?" He sobs, and I take a deep breath.

"Snow gave me the phone."

"He what?!" He exclaims.

"He gave it to me."

"Oh no," I hear him whisper. "Don't say it, Kat. Don't! You are not going to die. I refuse."

"Peet, I can't hold on any longer," I cry. "I don't want to leave you, but I'm too weak." I sob.

"No, Katniss, you can't go! I'll find you! Hold on, okay? Do you hear me? Hold on!"

"I can't, Peeta. He's gonna kill me now." I cry. "I love you. I didn't want to leave you."

The phone is snatched from my hand as Snow gives an evil laugh. "Time's up," He holds the phone to his ear. "Okay, Peeta, you should be happy now. You got to hear Katniss' last words to you. If you want to see her die, come to the off coast beach that no one goes to. The one that is hidden by the trees about 20 minutes away. Be there tomorrow at 8am sharp." Snow says, before hanging up and turning to me.

"Why did you say that?" I gasp. "Now he is going to turn up to try and save me. You're going to kill him!" I cry. "I won't kill him. Just make him watch you be killed."

"Don't hurt him, please." I cry. "Oh, I won't hurt him physically." I scream and struggle against the ropes holding me to the chair.

"Katniss, struggling won't help." He says as he raises the hot, burning metal rod above his ear yet again. I scream as it comes flying down towards me.

* * *

The next morning I wake up and I am in a car. I'm lying down in the trunk and my hands and feet are tied together. I feel the car stop moving and I hear footsteps. I try to move but I am so weak I can't move a muscle. My eyes are wide and alert.

The door opens and light floods my vision. I scrunch my eyes together since I haven't seen daylight for over a week. I see Snow come into view and my heart races. I feel panic set in.

I am picked up and thrown carelessly over his shoulder. "KATNISS!" I hear someone scream. I manage to get enough strength to move my head slightly to the side so that I can see further down the beach.

I can see Peeta tied to a pole. He is struggling and thrashing around as he tries to get to me, screaming my name.

My heart crushes and I sob. I need Peeta. One more kiss or hug.

"I... l-love you." I choke out quietly.

I hang limply as Snow carries me out to a boat and sets me down on the floor. He starts the boat and drives about 50m out to sea. The water is extremely deep here. I start to panic. What's he going to do?

I can still hear Peeta's faint screams back on the beach. "Now, Katniss, sadly I think this is goodbye." Snow sneers and I feel tears well up in my eyes.

He ties a rope to my legs and then ties the other end to a giant rock, one that a girl of my weak state could never pick up.

"Please don't." I croak weakly. "I'd like to say I'm sorry, Katniss, but I'm not." He says, and with that he picks me up and throws me over the edge, sending the rock down after me.

I scream and water fills my lungs, burning as my body screams for air. I see the boat drive off and then I am alone.

My head pounds from lack of oxygen and my whole body starts to tingle. I feel myself getting dizzier and dizzier.

Slowly my eyes close and I drift off, letting the pain go away.


EDITED BY SunshineRainbow7

I'm really sorry this was so short. I've been busy with school work and stuff.

Please don't hate me, this will get better, I promise.

Once again I'm sorry it was short.

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