Chapter 22: I Can't Lose You

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Finnick's POV

Peeta rushes over to Katniss just in time, as she collapses forwards into his arms. "Katniss!" Peeta screams as he holds her.

I see Annie cover her mouth with her hands and bury her face in my chest. I hold her close as we wait.

Katniss's body jolts as though she was electrocuted and she lets out an earpiercing scream. "Kat, please say something. I'm sorry, please stay with me!" I hear Peeta beg through his tears. Annie is crying and I can feel tears build up in my eyes.

I see Gale on the phone to the ambulance. I grab Annie's hand as we push our way through the crowd, towards the stage, where Katniss is lying still in Peeta's arms while he begs her to stay.

"No! NO, BABY PLEASE STAY WITH ME! Don't close your eyes!" I hear Peeta cry as Kat's eyes slowly close.

I hear sirens and Peeta lifts up Katniss and runs off the stage with her. We follow him out and see Peeta lowering her onto a stretcher.

The paramedics lift Katniss into the back of the ambulance. Peeta goes to follow but they push him back.

"You have to let me go with her!" He begs. "Please, I need her. I love her." He cries.

"Sir, I'm sorry you can't come." They say. One gets in the front of the ambulance, while the other climbs in the back after Kat. The sirens turn on and before we know it, they're driving away down the road.

"Peeta, now! Let's go, get in!" I call and pull him by the arm over to my car. Annie gets in the back while Peeta sits in the passenger seat. I get in and start the car up, pulling out of the carpark and quickly driving down the road to the hospital, going well over the speed limit.

Peeta is no longer crying. He is just staring blankly through windscreen, not sensing anything around him.

"Peet, she's going to be okay. I promise." I say and pat his shoulder while keeping my eyes on the road.

"I don't even know what's wrong with her." He says in a dead voice. "At first she was showing signs of pregnancy, but now... it's too much!" He cries. "It's all too much. She doesn't deserve this. Whatever it is."

Annie leans forward in her seat and hugs him from behind. "She'll be okay, Peeta." She whispers in his ear.

I pull up at the front of the hospital and we all run inside. "Katniss Everdeen. Where is she?" Peeta asks breathlessly.

The lady at the front desk looks through some files and then turns to her computer. "She just came in 5 minutes ago." She says.

"Yes, I know! Where is she?" Peeta snaps. The lady sighs and looks at the computer again. "She's currently in room 354. But I don't know if you will be able to see her..." She trails off because Peeta has already started running down the hallway.

"Peeta, hold up!" Annie calls as we run after him. He doesn't stop running until he reaches the door. When we finally catch up to him, he is staring at the door with horror on his face.

I go over and stand behind him and gasp. There is a window in the door and i can see Katniss lying on a stretcher bed. There are nurses and doctors hurrying around and connecting her to a lot of machines. They are injecting her with a few things and I feel Peeta tense beside me.

A nurse notices us watching. She walks over and shuts a curtain over the window so we can no longer see inside.

"No!" Peeta shouts and bangs his fist on the door. He rattles the door but its locked.

"Come on, Peeta. Let's sit down while we wait." I say and guide him to the chairs that are just outside the door. He sits down and stares blankly at the floor.

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