Chapter 29: Evening Falls

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I step out of the car, my head bowed down, tears threatening to spill. I hear Peeta's door close and then his arm wraps around me as we walk towards the church. People are crowded outside the doors, all talking quietly, all dressed in black.

I spot Annie and Finnick standing with Delly and Johanna. We walk over, Peeta pulling me gently. "Hey, guys." He sniffs, and everyone murmurs sad hellos. "Has anyone seen Gale?" I ask quietly and Johanna nods.

"He's over there." She says, pointing to a spot away from everyone else. Gale is staring at the ground, unmoving.

"He's barely said a word since. He hasn't even cried yet." Annie whispers. "He's in shock." Delly cries softly, tears falling.

The bell on top of the church sounds; loud, deep echoing rings. Everyone heads into the church and the seats start to fill up. I see the casket at the front and I choke up with tears.

I see Johanna leading Gale to a seat up the front. I grip Peeta's hand tightly as we take a seat in the second row. He wipes my tears, and kisses my forehead softly, smoothing out my hair.

The service starts and then it is time for Gale to say something. We all wait in silence as he slowly walks up to the front. He stands in front of the microphone for a while before eventually he starts to speak, his voice loaded with pain and unshed tears.

"Madge was my everything. So beautiful. So perfect. She was so beautiful, no one could ever tire of looking at her. I love her." He chokes and finally he starts to crack, his tears spilling over. He sobs and leans forward, his tears dripping.

Finnick stands and walks up to the front with him. He whispers something in his ear and then rubs his back. Gale stands up again and sobs as he continues his speech through his tears.

"I love her. I was so lucky to be able to have the time together that we got. I don't regret anything that happened between us. It was my first real love. And I pray that she doesn't regret anything in her life." He takes a shaky breath.

"Our lives aren't measured in years or days. They're measured in what we do with our lives. It's not about the two dates that are written on the tombstone, one starting your life and one ending it," Finnick is now crying with him up the front. "Its about the dash in between the two dates. The dash that represents everything you did in your life. Our dashes are still incomplete, but I hope that Madge, my love, is happy with her dash. For it ended too early, too soon. I just want one more lifetime with her." He walks back to his seat and bends over crying, his body wracked with sobs.

And now I know it's my turn. I take a deep breath and slowly stand up, making my way to the front.

"Uh, this is a song that I'm going to sing-" I can't speak. The tears are building up. I swipe them away and continue.

"I'm going to sing it for Madge. It's called 'Evening Falls'." I cry softly and the music starts. I get to the part where I am supposed to start singing, but I get a flashback.

"Madge!" I scream as I watch in horror as the truck comes bowling towards her. "No!" I scream, and just like that a look of horror crosses her face before she is gone. Gone forever. And it's all my fault.

"It's all my fault." I say, and I sink down to the ground crying. I see someone crouch down in front of me and I know it's Peeta. I hear him sniff back his tears and I wrap my arms around him tightly.

"It's not your fault." He says, and my shaking body hugs him tightly. "Yes, it is. I could have saved her." I cry.

"Katniss, look at me." He says, pulling back and cupping my face in his hands. "There's nothing you could have done, okay?" He cries and I nod.

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