Chapter 12: Finding Out

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Just warning you that this chapter is extremely emotional...

Katniss' POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN CALM DOWN? HUH? HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT WHEN ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS IS MISSING?" I stop pacing for a minute so that I can yell at Peeta.

"Katniss, it's alright, we are making a plan now. You just need to stay here where it is safe." Peeta says calmly.

I don't understand. Why is Peeta so calm? Heck, why is Finnick so calm? I mean yeah, they are worried but shouldn't they be freaking out just a little bit more than they are... I trail off as realisation hit me.

"You know," I whisper. "What?” Gale says. "You know...don't you?" I say louder and Peeta goes quiet. Everyone looks at me. "Know what, Katniss?" Madge asks.

I walk over to Peeta. "You guys all know where Annie is don't you? This has something to do with all that street crap doesn't it?" Peeta shakes his head. "Katniss you don't understand, I-" "THE HELL I DON'T UNDERSTAND, PEETA! I’M SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THESE SECRETS! JUST TELL ME!" I scream at him. He looks worried, extremely worried.

"Katniss, please, this is all to protect you," he says, gripping my shoulders. I look around Peeta's apartment at all of our friends; they all have the same worried expression. "Protect me from what? What is it that you all know that you guys can't tell me?" I say in a small voice.

"You’ll find out soon enough." I feel a tear slip down my face and I turn away from Peeta. "Are you guys going to get her? Wherever she is?" I ask. All the guys nod. “We have a plan; tomorrow night we go and get her.” Says Finnick.

"What? Tomorrow... But... What if they hurt her, or-" I start to freak out. "Katniss, relax," Peeta says. He comes over and I fall down to the couch with my shoulders slumped. Peeta crouches in front of me.

"Katniss, look at me," he lifts my chin up so I am forced to look in those piercingly blue eyes. "I don't know if I should tell you this," he says.

"Peeta, please just tell me," I say. "Peet, tell her," I hear Cato say. Peeta sighs and grips my hands. "Katniss, they're not going to hurt Annie. Not yet anyway. They don't want her... They... They want you." I feel my eyes widen in fear.

I realise that I’m not breathing. I try to suck in some air but my body won't allow it. I start to feel dizzy. Breathe, Katniss, just breathe. My mind won't concentrate and I can’t force myself to breathe. "Kat? Babe, are you OK?" I hear Peeta’s voice calling out to me. It zooms in and out of focus like there are a million things blocking the sound from me, like a barrier.

A barrier that distances me from somewhere I feel safe and this dark gloomy place I’m in now. Slowly everything comes back into focus. I see Peeta looking at me, worry and fear etched across his face.

As if something clicked, I opened my mouth and took a gasp of air. Relief fills my body as the dizzying headache rushes away.

"Why don't you go get her now?" I ask and everyone looks at each other.

"Katniss, after we told you about Annie, you passed out. Peeta carried you to his apartment where the rest of us were and you didn't wake up for hours. In that time a massive storm hit and we can't go outside. It's too dangerous and cold, especially for you." Cato says

I look at Peeta and stand up. "How come you kept this from me? What else do you know? I know you haven't told me everything yet!" Peeta looks at me.

"Katniss, I love you, but-" he starts but I cut him off. "Please Peeta, please; I’m begging you just tell me what is so important that you can tell everyone else but me?"

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