Chapter 20: Stars Are So Far Away

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I'm breathing heavily. Peeta's hands are gripping my waist tightly. I feel faint and I fall backwards into Peeta's chest. His arms are secure around me and I can feel his chest rising with rapid breaths.

"Oh my God." I whisper and I can feel tears blooming in my eyes. I can tell there is horror spread across my face. I turn my head and face Peeta. This is a mask of horror and shock across his face. I can see the tears in his eyes.

I turn back around and slowly walk forward, taking Peeta's hand in mine.

I step over the fallen and broken door and let out a gasp as I take in what has happened.

The tables and chairs have been overturned and they are all broken. There are feathers from the couch (which is now ripped and broken) all over the floor.

One of the lights has come out of the roof and is dangling down by the electrical cord. The lights are flickering dimly. There is broken wood all over the floor. The windows are smashed and the kitchen is distroyed.

I let out a whimper and tears start to fall.

I hear a creak and I look down at the floor and see blood prints on the broken dusty floor. I hear another creak and I turn around slowly.

Both of my hands fly to my mouth as I let out a bloodcurdling, strangled scream.

"Katniss!" I hear Peeta yell and he turns around quickly, his arms around around me in a second, but he soon gasps when he sees what I'm looking at.

There is a trail of blood along the floor and right at the end of the trail is a lifeless body, lying stiff on the floor.

I scream again and run out of the apartment, screaming as I go.

I can hear Peeta running behind me but I don't stop. I keep running.

I finally reach the police station and fling open the doors, letting out yet another scream.

I scream for help and a police officer runs out. Peeta gathers me into his arms and pulls me close. I can feel him shaking and he hugs me tightly.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" The police officer rushes out.

I can feel myself hyperventilating. As I shake my head into Peeta's chest, Peeta smoothes my hair down.

"No, we are not okay," Peeta says in a shaky voice. The policeman looks at us and then nods. "Follow me." He says, turning around and walking through another door.

I don't want to take my face out of Peeta's shirt; I feel safer in his arms.

Peeta slips his other arms under my legs and lifts me up bridal style as he carries me after the policeman.

I cry into his shoulder as images of our apartment and the man lying on the floor flash in front of my eyes.

I grip Peeta tightly to me. "Please don't leave me." I whisper and Peeta hugs me closer. "Never, I'll be here, always."

We walk into an office and Peeta sets me in a chair next to him. The policeman sits across the desk. His name plate reads 'Officer Boggs'.

"So, what has happened? I need you to explain everything to me." He says in a serious tone.

Peeta explains everything to him and Boggs becomes more alert with every word that he says. I can still hear Peeta's voice shaking as he recalls the story.

Once he is finished, he slumps back in his chair and I crawl onto his lap and bury my face in his chest. He wraps his arms around me.

"I will send some of our highest detectives and best police officers over there now and we will take care of this matter. I will get back to you once we have more information." Boggs says and I nod.

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