Chapter 27: Unrecognisable

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Michael Shulte - Thoughts (Song for Chapter)

New Chapter!

I don't know why, but Thursday seems like a better day than Friday to update!

"If I see you in my dreams tonight, and you take my hands and tell me. I've been waiting for you, then I'll tell you me too. If I see you in my dreams tonight"

~ Ruth B (In my Dreams)

Go and check out her song. I love it!


Chapter 27: Unrecognisable

The next morning I didn't want to get out of bed,

"We're meeting with Jackson in half an hour so get ready, your clothes are laid out," Mum said, I groaned,

"I want to stay in bed," I said,

"Me too," Tayte added, pulling the duvet up over our heads,

"Boys please get up," Mum called, "You can lie in tomorrow,"

"Get up you sexy beasts" Noah said, we both groaned but pulled ourselves up and out of the bed, "you two shower and I'll put some toast in for you"

"What put you in a good mood?" I asked,

"I'm always in a good mood" he winked,

"We're leaving in 15 minutes" Dad said. We jumped in the shower, changed into the clothes laid out, smart but casual to an extent, munched down on the toast, stuck in our contacts, drank a glass of water and left the base on time.


"Be careful and be clever. You have your passes and you have your ID. Remember you are different people, different names, different hair, different style. No one knows you,"

"We've got this Dad" Noah said,

"Where's Jackson going to be?" I asked,

"With us at the start and then around," Mum answered.

"Do you know who blew up headquarters?" Tammara asked,

"No, but maybe you'll all be able to find out, bring justice to your father Tammara. We will meet you outside Big Ben at 3pm to regroup and then go for dinner somewhere okay,"

"Yes Mum,"

"Alright, let's go to work" Dad said,

Let's go to work indeed.

We had the final nod from Mum and Dad and then we walked off. It was a total mess, half of the building was blown up,

"So this is what half of a spy base looks like" Noah said. There was a lot of people rushing around the place, areas had been cordoned off, "I feel like I shouldn't be here,"

"Just blend and look inconspicuous"

"Keane, Noah, Tayte?" we froze, before we span around, "I thought I recognised you, it's been a while, you've changed your hair"

"And you are?" I asked, wondering who the fuck knew us by our real names,

"A family friend, I was meant to speak with you at the hospital. Mr. Abraham," we looked at each other,

"No fucking way," I said,

"You disappeared, there was no trace of you" Tayte said,

"It wasn't safe, I didn't want to blow your cover and I didn't want to blow mine,"

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