Temporary home

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Temporary home ~ Carrie Underwood
"This is my temporary Home
It's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passing' through
This was just a stop, on the way To where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this was
My temporary home."

Chapter Quote
Heaven is so far of the Mind
that were the Mind dissolved-
The Site-of it-by Architect
could not again be proved-

'Tis vast-as our Capacity-
as fair-as our idea-
To Him of adequate desire
No further 'tis, than Here-
~Emily Dickinson~

"Hermione . . . I need to tell you something." Her mother said groggily.

"Mama don't speak you have to save your breath."

"I have to Hermione before I go."

"Oh, Mama please don't talk like that." She replied. "If you have to; write down at least." She added.

"Do you have a paper and something to write with?"

"Here, Mama."

"Could you please leave me on my own to write this?"

"Yes." Hermione simply said. Hermione walked out of the room and went to find the nurse to let her know that she had to go and run a few errands. No girl should have to deal with their mother dying so soon but Hermione was two years away from being considered adult in her world but not her parent's world.

She waited an hour before actually finding the nurse because she kept on looking in on her mother every ten minutes. It's now or never Hermione thought to herself.

"Nurse I'm going out to get a few things ready for when she goes. I expect it to be any time now. I know I should be her when she goes but she wanted to write a letter for me to read when she passes on and the privacy seems to help her write and she doesn't want me in there anyhow."

"I'll let you know if she goes while you're out."


Hermione wasn't gone even fifteen minutes before she got the call that her mother was gone. She sat on a bench in a park and cried every tear she had in her before she walked back to her mother's flat.

The nurse stayed with Hermione as they took her mother's body away to be prepared for burial. The one thing Hermione could say about her mother's death was that she had a peaceful look on her face and not one of the many that she seen of those lost to the war and it's only been a few months.

When her mother's body was removed Hermione turned to the nurse to dismiss her but she had already left and in her pace was a note.

The note your mother wrote you is in a hope chest in her room. I did not want it to be lost when they moved her so I placed it in there the key to the lock is in your jewelry box from when you were a little girl.
~Lilly Heartlyn~

Hermione read through the note one more time and folded it back up and placed it into the hope chest along with her mother's note. They would have to wait she had more important matters to deal with.

She got up from her place in front of the hope chest and owled Ginny to come over.

An hour later 14 year old Ginny was there with her mother Molly and helped her plan the funeral. It was planned for the Friday following her mother's death. It would be a small grave side ceremony with Molly, Ginny and Mr. Weasley and Hermione herself.

After the funeral; Molly and Ginny followed Hermione home. No 15 year old girl should be left alone after the loss of a parent. Something stupid might happen.

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