The Little Things Give You Away

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Hermione was not surprised to learn the next day that Trelawney was fired by Umbridge. She was also not surprised when Cedric told her she did it in front of a rather large crowed.

"It's disgusting. My father when he had to let a assistant go at least did it away from the others." Hermione had replied.

"I don't disagree with you." Cedric said.

They groaned when they saw Umbridge walking toward them covered in pink and not from a prank. The both mumbled gag me. They also started walking towards their classes. He had muggle studies while Hermione had ancient ruins.

"Ms. Granger Mr. Diggory boys and girls are not supposed to be no closer than 8 inches. I would appreciate it if you would follow the rules." She said stopping them.

"Sorry Professor Umbridge but Cedric was just seeing if I was alright."

"I don't want to see you two that close again." She Snapped. "If I do it will be detention for the both of you." She added.

"Yes ma' am." They both mumbled out.

Once the toad was gone Hermione and Cedric burst out laughing. Went they got to the point where they would have to split they stopped.

"By Cedric see you after class."

"See you too." Cedric told her has his best friend. Alec walked up. Cedric watch as Hermione walked away and out of his line of site before he turned around to face what Alec had to say.

"And you say nothing is going on between you two. I say you are lying." Alec replied.

"There is nothing going on but it doesn't mean I don't want something to be going on. Even Umbridge thinks something is going on she stopped us just a few minutes before and told us to stay eight inches apart."

Alec started to laugh. "You are serious?" he asked.

"Yes. I wanted to laugh when she was in the middle of telling us but you know that wouldn't bode to well with her if I had." Cedric told him.


Hermione was pleased to learn the Dumbledore had found a new teacher for Divination so another ministry hag couldn't be brought in. She also found it funny that he had gotten centaur Firenze to teach the classes when Umbridge had shown her dislike of half-breed creatures or other magical things that were not human.

Hermione's ancient runes class had gone faster than expected (they were to do a report on ancient ruins found in Ireland if any were found in there). Hermione of course couldn't wait to see what she could find. It was an interesting subject that she would probably get lost in like she did with every other interesting subject she had.

Hermione met up with Harry and Ron for their next class.

"How was your class?" Hermione asked.

"Fine better than when Trelawney teaches it but only because Firenze said that she was limited because she thought with a human mind." Ron said.

"Oh." Was all Hermione said.

"The weirdest bit came at the end of class when he told me to tell Hagrid quote "His attempts aren't working'." Harry said.

"And you have no idea what he means?" Hermione asked.

"Nope I haven't been to Hagrid's because of the toad and I've had homework …" Harry trailed off but Hermione and Ron knew what He was going to say.

After their history of magic class they walked down to Hagrid's where the care of magical creatures' class would be held. All three of them groaned when they saw Umbridge waiting. Harry groaned because he couldn't tell Hagrid what Firenze said. Ron and Hermione groaned because they couldn't stand the woman along with most of the class.

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