Somewhere I Belong

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Somewhere I Belong Linkin Park

When this began I had nothing to say

And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me

I was confused And I let it all out to find

That I'm not the only person with these things in mind

Inside of me But all that they can see the words revealed

Is the only real thing that I've got left to feel?

Nothing to lose Just stuck, hollow and alone

And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

I wanna heal, I wanna feel

What I thought was never real

I wanna let go of the pain

I've felt so long Erase all the pain till it's gone

I wanna heal, I wanna feel Like I'm close to something real

I wanna find something I've wanted all along Somewhere I belong

Hermione and Ginny left their room and ran down stairs to be with Mrs. Weasley when Harry came home. "Mum who told you Harry was coming back?"

"Your father wrote me a quick letter. He is bringing Harry back and then going back to work," replied Mrs. Weasley.

"I hope he got off," Hermione said in a whisper.

"You're not the only one," said a voice that made them all jump from fright. It was Sirius who had finally come to join them in waiting for Harry's arrival.

"I know. It's just really never racking thinking that he might not be able to go back to Hogwarts."

"He had Dumbledore on his side. Fudge may hate him but there is no way he can ignore him." This surprisingly came from Cedric.

"We totally..." said George.

"... Agree with you..." said Fred

"...Cedric." Fred and George both said in mock agony.

"Glad you do," Replied Cedric with a small smirk on his face. Hermione could tell that they were becoming friends even though they still hated that he beat them in a Quidditch game two years ago. Harry had obviously gotten over that considering what they went through in the tournament last year, she shivered at the thought.

"Filthy half breed..." they heard Sirius mum start.

"He's here!" they all said jumping up and then sitting back down to wait for them to come into the kitchen.

When they arrived in the kitchen accompanied by Mrs. Weasley (who had run to greet them) who said nothing as to what Harry's fate was. Harry didn't say anything at first either he just sat down calmly.

"Come on Harry..." said Fred and George.

"... You don't want us to die from worry do you?" added surprisingly Ron and Ginny.

"There will be seven trunks being packed for Hogwarts not six if that tells you anything."

Immediately Fred, George, and Ginny broke into a victory dance and chant that made Hermione laugh for the first time in ages, "He got off, he got off, he got off!"

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