On My Highway

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On My Highway-Jason Aldean

But what a feeling chasing the sun,

Living my life like it's shot from a gun,

Laughing a little bit more with every mile,

Oh what a freedom racing the wind,

Dying to know what's around the next bend,

And smiling as I watch the years roll by,

I'm learning how to take it day by day on my highway

"Harry you really need to be careful when it comes to Umbridge." Hermione said for the umpteenth time. "That was a close call last night." She added.

"Come on we got to eat breakfast before class."

"Harry! Ron!" they heard someone call.

The two boys mentioned turned around to face their captain. "What?" they both asked.

"Gryffindor is now allowed to reform. Practice is and seven after dinner." She told them before running off to find the rest of the team.

"Guys I have been thinking maybe we shouldn't do the defense lessons if Sirius approves them." Hermione said expressing her concern over Sirius's approval.

Harry and Ron gave her identical scowls.

"Come on Harry you half to think about maybe he's trying to live through you." Hermione replied as if she justified her statement.

"Whether you are right or wrong we need to know how to defend ourselves Harry replied angrily before heading to his class. He and Ron ignored Hermione through the whole class. The left the rooms before Hermione could even say anything and were down to the Quidditch pitch before she got back to the common room that evening. It was only a few weeks till Christmas and it should be ready soon.

She left the common room for the second time that night for the library to return books that she had needed for a potions essay. When she got their she saw Cedric sitting at one of the tables.

"Hi Cedric." She said walking over.

"I would really like to talk but NEWT levels don't leave me much time." He replied.

"I get that with OWL's."

"So has anything been developed with the ..."

"If you are talking Fred and George worthy nothing new yet but were working on it."

"They work really hard at what they do; don't they." He asked.

"Yep. It's what they love to do even if their mother doesn't agree with it."

"Have you figured any more about you're..."

"No it's going to take a few weeks. Even in the muggle world it would take a few weeks."

"That sucks."

"Well I'll let you get back to your studying as for Fred and George I'll let you know if they need your help." Hermione replied leaving the library.

Hermione walked back to the common room and was surprised to see Harry and Ron already back from practice. "Why are you back so early?" she asked.

"The weather got too bad we practice for at least an hour." Replied Ron sullenly.

"Why the long face?" Hermione asked of his tone.

"Homework," Harry replied before Ron could.

Hermione helped them a little bit and then went to bed. She was tired and didn't really feel like doing their homework for them. She picked up Crookshanks on her way up the stairs.

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