TIme to get a gun (wand)

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Time to get a gun Miranda Lambert

It's time to put something

Between me and the sun

When the talking is over

It's time to get a gun.

When the party is over

It's time to get a gun

Time to get a gun

Riding up to the school with the others Hermione got an apprehensive feeling; like something was wrong or something was going to change. She wasn't sure if it was the horse creatures that she now knew pulled the carriage or the fact that she could be proved totally wrong about who her dad was.

"Hagrid's lights are off." Ron said in an offhand manner.

"Maybe he's in the castle already." Harry said in a tone that let Hermione know he didn't believe it.

"Yeah maybe." She replied back in the same tone.

They walked into the castle under the watchful and creepy eye of Argus Flitch. They made their way to the great hall which was decorated like always with the colors from each house for the start of the term feast. Hermione was happy to be back because she was in the one place that her mother or father never came a place all her own. She was then forced out of her revive by her fellow students whispering.

Hermione noticed a short, curly-haired woman that in her opinion looked like a toad sitting in the new defense teachers spot. "Harry do you know who that is?"

"I don't remember her name but she was the lady that sat next to fudge in my hearing. She's like his second hand or something." Harry replied to her.

Before they can discuss this further because not even two seconds had passed before the great hall doors burst open to let the first years' in. The buzz caused by all the talking in the great hall stopped once Professor McGonagall walked up and placed the stool and the old and frayed sorting hat in the front of the staff table.

She had mumbled something to harry but he didn't say anything back. She then saw what had his attention and it was Professor Grubbly-Plank who had just taken Hagrid's seat at the staff table.

"First years must be here then." Hermione mumbled to Ginny who appeared beside her.

The first-years' faces seem to glow under the candlelight. The whole school waited to see how the sorting hat would start the sorting. The Sorting Hat split open near the brim of the hat and started to sing. Hermione listened as the sorting hat sang about the houses like it did every year but could since a change in tone and realized the hat was giving a warning with the last lines of the song.

And now the Sorting Hat is here

And you all know the score:

I sort you into houses

Because that is what I'm for,

But this year I'll go further,

Listen closely to my song:

Though condemned I am to split you

Still I worry that it's wrong,

Though I must fulfill my duty

And must quarter every year

Still I wonder whether Sorting

May not bring the end I fear.

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