Shadow of the day

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Sirius had put the letter from his daughter away after sending her one back. He hadn't even met her in person (as far as he knew anyway) and he knew that he would care and love her until the day he died.

"Hey Siri?"

"TONKS. How many times have I told you not to do that?" Sirius asked.

"Too many to count plus I have to catch up on lost time." Tonks said smiling like a three old who just stole a cookie before dinner.

"Yeah well I think you have caught up enough." Sirius told her.

"So what were you looking at so intently?" She asked.

"Just some old pictures. I haven't seen them since I went to Azkaban." Sirius said.

"Well I'll leave you to it. I have to hunt down Mad-Eye before the meeting." Tonks replied back.

"See you then." Sirius mumbled before shoving the photographs he had in his hands in the same draw as the letter he put away earlier.

The fact that Sirius Black was cleaning his room just for something to do should surprise anyone but the fact that he was doing it before noon should amaze anybody. He hadn't gotten another letter from his daughter. He loved hearing from her even if it was just one word or something like that. He had been cleaning for hours when he heard the familiar screams of his mother's portrait, he really wished he could get rid of that thing.

"Sirius!" Remus called.

"I am in my room." Sirius yelled back to him.

Seconds later Sirius heard the thudding footsteps of his friend. He hadn't seen him in a few days.

"What in the heck has Sirius Black cleaning his room?" Remus asked when he walked into the door way.

"Nerves are all I can say." Sirius replied tossing an old pile of letters into an old drawer.

"Your daughter?" Remus asked.

"Yeah. I just got this weird feeling something bad is going to happen. I would ask Arthur about it but I don't want a lot of people knowing about it."

"Have you heard from your daughter lately?" said Remus.

"I got a letter yesterday." Sirius replied. "It was one of the shortest letters she ever wrote me."

"Well if she's going to Hogwarts she would be in the middle or at the end of her OWLs." Remus replied.

"I figured as much considering she mentioned her astronomy exam in the letter." Sirius said.

"What'd it say?" Remus asked.

"That there was some kind of distraction during it but I have no idea what she meant." Sirius replied. "It weird how all this worry comes when you have a kid and you've never actually met them."

"Maybe you have met her you just don't know it yet and look at it this way it's obviously one of Harry's friends that knows you innocent. Subtract Ginny because we all know she's just a distant cousin of yours and you have who's ever left as you potential daughters."

"There's one problem with that." Sirius said.

"What?" asked Remus.

"We don't know who all Harry told and besides maybe it's the type of girl that wouldn't turn her father if for a crime." Sirius replied.

"You better hope it's that if she is not one of Harry's friends." Remus replied.

"I've already had that freak out I am not going to go through it again." Sirius told him. "I can only drink so much firewiskey."

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