Gift of a Friend

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Chapter 5: Gift of A Friend Demi Lovato

Gift of a Friend ~ Demi Lovato

And when your hope crashes down

Shattering to the ground you, you feel all alone

When you don't know which way to go

And there's no signs leading you home, you're not alone

The world comes to life and everything's bright

From beginning to end when you have a friend by your side

That helps you to find the beauty you are

When you open your heart and believe in

When you believe in, when believe in the gift of a friend

Chapter Quote

Friendship is born at that moment

When one person says to another,

'What? You too? I thought I was the only one.

~ C.S. Lewis~

Hermione had been at the headquarters for a while now. It had been a week since Harry was attacked by the stray dementors. There was a nightly debate among the younger kids about why they were there. They ranged from a Malfoy and Snape (Ron), someone from inside the ministry (Fred, George and Ginny claimed Percy but otherwise all agreed on that one) and to Voldemort himself which everyone was inclined to believe also.

Harry was to arrive sometime tomorrow night. Hermione and Ron were in Ron's room thinking and talking about how they would handle Harry when he got there. Hermione was nervous because she knew harry was going to be mad at her but she barely felt like writing anyone. She hasn't even finished reading the letters she found in her mums hope chest (she had barley read the first one). She knew her birthfather knew of her just didn't know her real name was Hermione and that her middle name was Jean.

Ginny was not alone in helping Hermione cope with the death of her mother because Fred, George and Ron all knew now. Ginny had let it slip after dinner one night when Hermione ran out of Ron's room crying. She was in the middle of telling Ron off for making her cry when she let it slip. Fred and George took some of Hermione's home movies and made a picture book similar to the one of Harry's parents and gave it to her the very next night. She started crying and Ginny gave them a Mrs. Weasley like glare and Hermione caught it and told Ginny that they were happy tears. She hugged them and went to look at it in privet.

"Why did you guys do that?" Ginny asked them once Hermione was out of ear shot (extendable and other wise)

"We saw how harry look at His book and though Hermione might like one also. She had a few wizard photographs of her parent but since they were muggle we used the video to."

"How did you do it?" Ginny asked.

"Don't you know my Dear little sister" George began

"That magicians never reveal their biggest secrets." Added Fred

"So we won't either." The twins said at the same time before apparating out of the room with a synchronized 'POP'.

Hermione finished looking at the book Fred and George made her an hour before Harry arrived. Even though Remus, Mad-eye, Tonks and several others went to get him and bring him here she was still nervous about him coming only god would know.

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