These Boots

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These boots

Eric Church

These boots more than once saved my ass

Like the time they hid in the grass

From those cops in Tupelo

And these boots have danced with the devil

And nearly lost that battle to Wild Irish Rose

I've wore out more soles then I'd care to count

Done more stupid things than most would dare to

I've kicked myself more times than not

For the roads they led me down

But the damnedest thing

I've ever seen 'em do is walking' out on you

Upon entering the room she shared with Ginny Hermione rubbed her temples from the stress she was feeling. It was stress that she had never felt before and hoped she would never feel again. "He's being tried in the old court rooms! They tried the death eaters there. He's not a death eater." She heard Mrs. Weasley holler at someone she didn't hear a replied but the stumbling feet of the Weasley children running back up the stairs so they wouldn't get caught listening again.

Frustrated, Hermione exclaims, "I can't take it anymore. Stupid freaking dementors!" This seemed to stun Sirius because Hermione was usually the calm cool and collected one. He started to walk in but decided against it once he heard her crying (he was never able to deal with crying girls). Hermione was too distracted to notices his fading footsteps.

Ginny stepped into the room soon after Sirius walked away. Noticing that Hermione wasn't doing so hot she sat down next to her trying to comfort her. "Hermione are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine. Just frustrated that I feel so stressed and my biggest problem is what quills to get for school?" Hermione said while sitting back up and wiping the tears from her eyes.

"You're wrong," Ginny said.

"What do you mean?"

"Your biggest problem is not what quill to use but how to survive Voldemort's rise to power," Replied Ginny.


"So have you had any luck finding out who your dad is?" Ginny asked.

"I've started a list but I only got two names."

"What names?" Ginny asked.

"Promise not to laugh or tell the two people on the list?"

A Lonely ChildHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin