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Chapter Song

Numb Linkin Park

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you
Can't you see that you're smothering me
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you

Chapter Quote

Friends will keep you sane; Love could fill your heart a lover can warm your bed, but lonely is the soul without a mate."

David Pratt

Hermione was just going through the motions of every day she still felt numb and found it extremely hard to deal with the death of her mother and finding out who her father was She felt this way when she walk in to the parlor to see Harry, Cedric and all the Weasley's (excluding Arthur and bill and obviously Charlie and Percy) waiting to clean the curtains which the spent the whole morning ridding the parlor curtains of the doxies. Hermione smirked as she caught George and Fred pocketing several of the doxies they paralyzed before Mrs. Weasley caught them. She couldn't hear what Fred said to Harry who also caught them pocketing the doxies but figured that they were for some new product they were developing and trying not to get caught by Mrs. Weasley who was watching them out of the corner of her eye.

They all heard the door bell ring. "I told them not to ring the door bell," Said Sirius before running out of the room.

"You can take a break now. I'll go down and get some sandwiches for lunch." She said walking out of the room and closing the door.

Not long after Sirius and Mrs. Wesley went down stairs they heard the furious voice of Mrs. Weasley. Once Fred had opened the door so he could hear someone else yelled at by his mum. "I told you the headquarters will not be a building to run your stolen goods through MUNDUNGUS. Now get those stolen cauldrons out of here before I hex you." After that no one could hear her because Mrs. Black was now screaming again.

"Ahh it is so nice hearing mum yell at someone else." George said out at loud agreeing with his brother and closing the door so they didn't have to hear Mrs. Black. Before the door completely closed and old house elf sneaked into the room. "Mudblood and blood traitors living my master's house. How she would die if she saw it."

"She's already dead. She can't die again." said Fred.

"Fred; be nice," Said Hermione.

"Hermione there's no point in being nice to him he's lived alone to long to know what it's like to take orders from a human instead of a painting.," Said Sirius coming back into the room.

"Besides he called you Mudblood and that's wrong," said Cedric speaking for the first time that day.

Hermione, the Weasley's, harry and Cedric all ate in silence. Once every one was done Mrs. Weasley took the trays down stairs to clean and told the kids they were free to go. Cedric, Hermione and harry stayed to look at the black family tree.

"The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black" said Sirius sarcastically about his family tree.

"You are not on here." Hermione blurted out after looking for at the tapestry.

"I would be there had my mother not blasted me off for going against the family beliefs." He replied.


"Tonks's isn't on here either."

"Your related to Tonks?" questioned Harry.

"My family is related to just about every wizarding family. The Prewett's, the Weasley's, and unfortunately the Lestranges, the Malfoy's."

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