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Promise-simple plan

I promise, I won't let you down, you down

If you take my hand tonight

I promise that we'll be just fine, this time

If you take my hand tonight

If you take my hand tonight



I have decided that it is time to tell you a little more about me. I have a potion brewing to prove who you are. I have a pretty good idea who you are. I decided to use the potion as definitive proof. If I am correct you have already met me.

Understanding why my mother never told me about you has been difficult, because the little letters you have sent me each year make it hard. She never gave them to me so I am a bit mad about that. I just get the feeling you would want me to forgive her. She didn't do anything wrong not telling me that I was adopted by the man who raised me because she did tell me about you in the end.

I have been doing okay in school. The only thing I don't like is my new defense teacher thinks we are too young to participate in practical lessons of defense since there is no real threat to us out there. I have never wanted to walk out of a class room more, but I need the class for just about every career. My friends and I have found away to get around that but we are not sure if we should do it because we'd be breaking lots of rules school and governmental wise.

I can't get passed the eerie feeling that I have met you before. I hope my instincts are right most of the time they are but I am bound to get one wrong sometime. If you are the person I am hoping you are I have one photo of you but it's just your eyes. I mean you can see a little bit of your hair—which is black—and your eyes—which are gray. My mother says I have your hair just lighter because she had blond. She could be right but my hair color could also be a recessive gene (muggle term). She also told me I have your eyes and even went on to say that I had equal amounts of you and her in my genes.

I do have to say I want you to write back to this letter but please do not come up to me. I am not ready for that yet. I probably won't be ready for that until the potion is finished and I still have to wait a few weeks to do that.

I said I was going to let you know more about me; so I should write a few facts about me.

I am in Gryffindor. I am a prefect along with one of my best friends. I love the color green even though it's a Slytherin color but I prefer the brighter green associated with the Irish. I have a cat that I got in my third year.

Also if you are you I think you are I won't be disappointed.

You're Loving Daughter


P.S. please don't write your name in the next letter.

"You are a father padfoot?"

"Yes. Her mother was the girl who I was going to propose to but got caught up in the war."

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