Dirty Little Secret

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Dirty Little Secret ~ All American Rejects

I'll keep you my dirty little secret

(Dirty little secret)

Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret

(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)

My dirty little secret

Monday morning brought about a difficulty in the trio's plans to teach themselves and their friends how to defend their selves. Because in each and every common room that morning there was a large poster on the notice board announcing the new Educational Decree. It was the Twenty Fourth

"We can't do anything. Someone at that meeting told." Complained Ron.

"All the clubs and sports teams have to get permission to reform from the toad." complained Ginny.

"What I want to know is who told?" Ron said.

"Ron no one could have said anything we would know. I put a charm on the paper to cause spots to appear on their face." Hermione replied in a whisper. "It was someone who didn't sign that paper." She added.

"Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?" Ron and Ginny both asked.

Ginny left a short while after that to meet her boyfriend. Hermione stayed and read while Harry and Ron rushed to get their homework done before going down to breakfast. When they got their they were approached by Fred, George, Neville, and Dean.

"What are we going to do?" asked Fred and George.

"Were still going to do them no matter what the decree says. It just means we'll have to be more secretive about it." Harry replied.

"Hermione look whose coming over." Ginny pointed out.

"Not now we'll talk later." Hermione mouthed to the approaching Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws.

After the initial shock of the signs breakfast was pretty easy going until Angelina came up to Harry and told him that he better not tick Umbridge off again. She didn't want to get refusal from Umbridge to reform the Gryffindor team. Harry told her he wouldn't as long as Umbridge didn't badger him. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Come on we've got history of magic." Hermione replied after a half an hour.

Harry reluctantly followed Hermione. He had noticed something was off with her lately but had no idea why. They took their seat at the front of the class (Hermione wanted to be in a prime spot to take notes.)

Harry drifted off into a daydream when Professor Binns started to give his lecture. He figured it was about OWL's again and did not plan on taking the class again anyway. He was thinking about Cho when Hermione shook him.

"Harry look." She whispered pointing to the window. "It is Hedwig and she looks like she's hurt."

Harry got up, opened the window and took his owl into his hands. He looked at her and she was fine except for her left wing. The feathers were all bent in different directions. "Professor My owl..."

Professor Binns looked up at Harry like he was incredibly rude for interrupting his lecture. It was a bit rude of Harry to but in but he was concerned about his Owl. After looking at Harry for about ten seconds Binns made a motion indicating that Harry should leave. Hermione waved to him as he passed.

"Miss. Granger you can take Mr. Potter his things." Professor Binns announced.

Hermione grabbed Harry's books and put them in his bag and went to find Harry. Heading for the staff room first because of the teachers were during classes. Harry hadn't gotten far before she caught up with him. "Harry!" Hermione called.

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