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Ron's cheer over the Gryffindor win and his performance in the match had lasted well into the next day mainly because he got to tell the whole story to Hermione and Harry after they told him they missed the match because Hagrid dragged them to meet his brother who just happened to be a giant named Grawp. "Is he out of his bloody mind?" Ron had said in a rather loud whisper.

But to Hermione's delight and Ron and Harry's dismay their Ordinary Wizarding Level exams had begin. She studding as long as she could in the library and well into in the night when she got back to the common room. She of course took some time to write to her dad who she called Lenny so Umbridge wouldn't be able to track who she was writing.

Her first exams where charms, transfiguration, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts she did well in all of them. Hermione was even glad to see that Neville did okay in his exams compared to what he was like before with Snape breathing down his neck.

Their Potions exam was the next Monday afternoon they all did fine (without Snape present) but Neville didn't think he would be going on to Newt levels.

Hermione had finished with her writing part of her Potion's exam early and was waiting for Harry and Ron to finish their potion's exams.

"You okay Hermione?" Harry asked.

"I'm just worried about Hagrid. Someone put a Niffler in Umbridge's office. She'll blame Hagrid and get him sacked." Hermione replied.

"But Hagrid isn't doing it." Harry yelled.

"I know that Harry. I didn't say that he did." Hermione replied before walking away to cool off.

They had most of the day off on Tuesday Hermione used it to study of course. She helped the others with studying after their Care of Magical Creatures exam. They all had Astronomy the next morning and evening.

The next day passes without anything exciting happening. Hermione got through her Ancient Ruins exam wile Harry and Ron failed their Divination exam but they never really expected to pass it so it was no loss to them.

When the time came they headed for the Astronomy tower to complete their practical part of their exam. Hermione was next to Harry during the whole thing. To their horror half way through their exam; Umbridge and Group of people heading straight for Hagrid's hut; it didn't take long for a battle to break out as they tried to stun Hagrid but his body deflected every single one. A few seconds after it all starts the watch and Professor McGonagall ran to Hagrid's aid but she isn't able to help after getting hit with several stunning spells. They are filled with relief when they see McGonagall is removed to the Hospital wing and Hagrid escapes. The exam goes on without further interruption.

Later in their common room the Gryffindor's who witnessed the attack discuss it.

"They used the Nifflers as a reason to fire him." Hermione said.

"That was me. I didn't mean to get him…" Lee Jordan had started.

"It wouldn't have mattered anyway. He's a half-breed Umbridge hates half-breeds." Hermione told him.

Lee Jordan still looked and felt guilty.

The common room didn't complete clear out until after four in the morning. Hermione stayed up and wrote to Sirius she had a bad feeling plaguing her and wanted to get rid of it. She hoped her three hours of sleep would get her through her History of Magic exam the next day.

While exhausted because of the lack of sleep the next day Hermione makes it through the exam better than Harry did. She could see his head slumped forward on his desk. She goes back and forth between her paper and Harry worried about him. She knew it had to be Voldemort had to have messed with Harry's mind during the night.


Sirius Black was alone once again in the place he hated most his childhood home. The place he never thought he would be again. He walked from room to room hoping to get a letter from his godson or the girl that claimed to be his daughter. He hadn't heard from his godson in a week and his daughter about a day so she wasn't as bad as not hearing from Harry.

Board with just walking around Sirius went to the drawing room Harry, the Weasley's' and Hermione helped clean out the previous summer. He sat down on a couch that another order member had transfigured.

Sirius must have fallen asleep because he had been awoken by the tapping of a brown owl. He recognized it as one of the owls that belonged to Hogwarts. He gave the owl a treat and relieved it of its burden.

The letter was from 'Jean'.

Lenny (can't write real name),

Exams have started. I just finished with my Astronomy. Easier than I thought even with the interruption we had. Our Care of Magical Creatures professor was sacked and our Transfiguration teacher was hurt. I don't know how badly though they might even move her to St. Mungo's. I only have one more exam left tomorrow well more like today.

Write Back Soon


Sirius took the letter up to his room and put it with the other letters that meant a lot to him ones that he never wanted to let go of and never planned on letting go. He sat down beside the box and took out the only picture he had of Melissa. It was a color muggle photograph. He blond hair tied up with red ribbons and a smile brighter than he remembered. The one wish he had would never come true. He would never see her smile again unless their daughter had the same smile. Looking at the photograph he decided to write to Jean.


Glad you are well and hope your Professors are doing just as well also.

Your Lenny.

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