Things I'll never say -AL

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Ginny left Hermione after she slipped the invisibility cloak on. The corridors still had some student's running around hurrying to get back to their doors for the night. While Ginny was among them she wasn't really in a hurry to get back to her common room but she had to so she did. When Ginny finally did get back to the common room it was packed to the brim of Gryffindor's. She found Harry and Ron in a corner playing a game of wizard's chess. Why they would play when Ron would beat him every time Ginny would never know.

"Hey boys." Ginny greeted them.

They both grunted in reply back to her keeping their eyes along with their attention on the game in front of them. Ron of course was winning which caused Harry to burn red in frustration. Ginny just watched them as they continued to move their pieces across the board breaking the ones they take out of play. Harry's side of the board was all but deserted by the pieces he had left on the board.

"Ha. Check Mate." Ron Cheered ten minutes later.

"Ron sorry to tell you this but everyone in here knew it would be you declaring check mate because Harry- No offence to you Harry- sucks at chess even if it's muggle chess." Ginny said.

"I still beat him." Ron said.

"And he would beat you at being seeker on the team if he was allowed to play." Ginny replied back.

"Oh I am allowed to play again. At least I think I would be now that Dumbledore is Headmaster again." Harry spoke.

"I know that." Ron said. "You want to pick up a game tomorrow."

"I'd rather not give Malfoy a chance to attack me. It's already bad enough Neville is still in the hospital wing because of it."

"Harry how many times do we have to tell you that Malfoy's attack on Neville wasn't your fault." Ginny said. "If you feel so bad let's go sneak him some food. You know the food in the hospital wing isn't as good as the great hall food. I think it has something to do with it being on the tray and the hospital feel of the room." Ginny Rambled.

"I could always go for food." Ron said.

"I said get it for Neville not stuff your face." Ginny Snapped.

"I don't have my cloak."

"We don't need it. I have those hats that Fred and George made that make your head disappear. I just transformed them into cloaks but Fred and George don't know that." Ginny said with a grin an evil looking one at that.

"Well go get them. I want to get to sleep before sunrise." Harry said. "I mean Neville's a friend and all but I can't stand not sleeping when I can."

"Of course Harry we will be back in time for you to get your beauty sleep." Ginny said giving another grin worthy of Fred and George.

"I don't need beauty sleep. I just need sleep." Harry told her.

"Well I'm going to go get those hats." Ginny mumbled while turning around to go up the stairs.

Ginny's cheeks flamed as red as her hair. She had always liked Harry but had never said anything to him about it. Heck it wasn't even until this year that she had actively talked to him and even then it was mostly about the DA and Sirius.

She had gotten to her dorm and was thankful that her dorm mates were still down in the common room and nobody was in there (she wouldn't have minded if Hermione had been). She took some parchment her mother gave her for Christmas and wrote a quick note to Hermione before grabbing the transfigured hats and left the room. Ron and Harry were waiting by the portrait hole when she came down.

"It took you long enough." Ron greeted her.

"I don't have to give the hat to you." Ginny said.

"Let's go Dobby is expecting us." Harry said.

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