chapter 1

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They had yet another successful concert. They exited through the back door, still to have a sea of girls screaming for there attention. They were exhausted but still tried to high five fans, and sign as many things as they could on the way out. Louis was the first to reach the car door. He jumped in and sat in the middle seat against the far wall. Niall and Zayn sat in the seats on either side of him, as Liam took the seat across from them. Harry was last, being pushed in by Paul, took the seat closest to the front. 

“Haz, why don’t you sit closer to all of us? I know we are sweaty but it’s nothing we haven’t smelled before.” Louis tried joking with Harry. Harry shrugged, pulling his phone out of his pocket. 

“I don’t know, i might follow in there footsteps if we don’t get to the hotel soon.” He wasn’t looking at Louis anymore, but instead his phone screen. He waved his hand gesturing it in the three boys’ direction. 

Niall and Zayn had fallen asleep on both of Louis’ shoulders almost instantly. They hadn’t been in the car for more than ten minutes and they were gone. Harry turned his full attention to his phone, scrolling through his twitter timeline. Louis changed his head position from looking at Harry to looking at Liam, his eyebrows raised.

Liam shrugged, getting his phone out himself, before the car came to an abrupt stop, jolting them forward some. Niall adjusted himself in his seat snuggling up with Louis’ arm, still sound asleep. On the other hand, Zayn woke right up, rubbing his eyes as sat himself up properly. The window, separating the drivers seat and where they were sitting, opened. 

“Dave, what’s going on?” Liam asked, putting his phone away. Zayn and Louis both looked over at Dave, questioning why they had stopped. Niall had still been asleep and Harry seemed to lack interest in everything, pulling a beanie over his eyes and plugging his headphones in. 

“Just traffic, and a lot of it. We might not get to the hotel until 10:30.” Liam looked down at his phone then back up at Dave, “10:30? That’s almost a half hour. It only took us like 10 minutes to get here!” He was baffled, the traffic couldn’t be that bad could it?

“Well your fans are running up and down all the streets. Tell them the clear the roads and maybe we’ll get there faster.” Dave joked before closing the window again. Liam took matters into his own hand and tweeted, ‘Hey guys clear the streets, don’t want anyone getting hurt. Thanks a million’ He put his phone back, ready for the longish ride ahead, and saw Louis now on his phone, Zayn asleep on Louis’ shoulder again, Niall asleep with his head on Louis’ leg, and Harry, possibly asleep and listening to music. 

He sighed, starting to lay back, when his phone went off. Annoyed, he pulled it back out to see it was a text from Louis. Before reading it he looked up at Louis. He was already starring at him, biting his lip. Slowly, he looked back down at his phone.

Louis: Can we talk? It’s serious.

Liam: Right, of course, but over text?

Louis: I don’t care i just need to talk to you, now.

Liam: It can’t wait until we get to the hotel? You can come to my room.

Louis: Well if you didn’t want to talk to me you just had to say so…

Liam: No it’s not that, if its so serious then i thought it’d be better to talk face to face

Louis: we are to far away from the hotel. Text will have to do.

Liam: Okay. What is it?

The car door opened up and the sound of screaming girls filled the car. Zayn woke up with the sound of that, but Louis had to nudge Niall awake. Harry apparently wasn’t asleep, as he was the first one out of the car. Liam followed with Zayn, Louis, and Niall close behind. They all found there rooms and settled down. Liam had just taken his shirt off and was getting in bed when his phone went off, Another text from Louis. 

Louis: Does the offer still stand for coming to your room?

Liam: Yeah come on down.

Not seconds after he sent the message was there a knock on his door. “Did you send that message from my doorstep?” Liam teased him as he opened the door. Louis pushed his way in anyways, making his way to the bed. 

“Liam, this is serious remember?” Louis sat, playing with his hands, looking at the ground.

“Right, sorry.” Liam sat beside him, a comforting arm around his shoulder, “What you want to talk about Tommo?” 

Louis looked up and into Liam’s eyes. He looked close to tears. He let out a breath and began talking, his voice shaky.

“It’s Harry.”

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