chapter 12

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“You can do it, I promise.” Niall cooed, sitting on the end of Harry’s bed. Harry appeared around the corner without a shirt on.

“Actually, I can’t.” He picked up a V-neck off the ground and pulled it over his head. I lay loosely around his collarbones and just barely making it to his waist. 

“Harry you can, I know you can.” Niall was trying all he could. Harry took a moment, sitting down beside Niall. He turned slightly to see him better.

Softly he said, “What if someone pushes or punches me or what if they start yelling rude things to me? What happens then?” Niall placed a hand on Harry’s shoulder and smiled.

“Then I’ll step in.”

“What if they don’t listen?”

“If they’re stupid enough to be rude to you, then they’ll be stupid enough to listen to me.” Harry was quiet for awhile.

“Niall.” He breathed out.


“I’m just nervous.” Harry quietly admitted. Niall brought Harry into a hug, holding him tightly. 

“I know, and it’s okay to to be.” Niall whispered into Harry’s ear. Harry pulled back still holding onto Niall. He started at Niall for awhile, Niall smiling back up at him. He couldn’t help but smile back. 

“Let’s go.” Niall stood up from the bed, waiting for Harry to do the same. Harry’s heart caved in and he froze.


“No excuses Styles. We’re going.” He grabbed Harry’s wrist and pulled him until they were outside Harry’s hotel room. They went down the elevator and by no time they were standing by the front doors. The fans were screaming something, but they couldn’t see Niall, nor Harry. 

Niall grabbed onto Harry’s wrist before pushing the doors open. The screams became louder and louder until they were outside. Once they saw Harry, they were silent, their face filled with shock. 

Niall pushed his way through the crowd and Harry’s hands grabbed tightly to Niall’s slim waist. Niall’s hands held loosely over top of Harry’s. Eventually the thickness of the crowd loosened up and they could walk normally. Once they turned the corner and there were little to no fans, Harry let go.

“That was horrible.” Harry said letting go of his breath, looking down.

“Why? Because they were quiet?” Harry shook his head. Niall grabbed his chin, stopping them on the street, and pulled Harry’s face so he was looking him in the eyes.

“No, they were quiet because they were shocked to see you out again. They haven’t seen you in forever and now that you’ve left, they know your slowly building up your strength again. Its very good.” He let go of Harry and continued there walking. 

“So where are we going to eat?” Niall said, changing the subject. 

“I don’t know that’s up to you.” Niall smiled.

“I’m thinking pizza.” Niall pointed to a small pizza joint across the street and they ran across the traffic. 


“Today wasn’t so bad was it?” Niall pulled his shirt off getting into bed while Harry flipped through channels looking for something to watch tonight. He was was already in bed, wearing nothing but his boxers.

“I guess not.” Harry shrugged, finding a movie and setting the remote down.

“See, I told you you’d be fine.” Harry turned to lay on his side, looking at Niall.

“Yeah, maybe I should listen to you more.” Niall chuckled.

“Yes, you should listen to me all the time. Like start by changing this movie.” Harry grunted, grabbing the remote and changing it once again. They had finally agreed on a movie and settled down, turning the lights off. Not long after did both of them fall asleep.


Niall rolled over, opening his eyes surprised by darkness. He rubbed his eyes before rolling back around to face Harry. Except Harry wasn’t there. Niall sat up seeming to be wide awake, worry flooding over him.

“Harry?” He whispered loudly, hoping he’d here him. He got no reply. He grabbed his phone and unlocked it, the light blinding him. Squinting, he saw a message from Harry.

‘If I woke you leaving, I’m going to get some more blankets. I was cold.’ 

Niall relaxed a little, setting his phone down and sinking back into bed. He couldn’t get comfortable and go to sleep so he fixed his attention on the TV. It was getting back from a commercial and he was interested on what was on at this time of night. 

The shot started with a built man pulling another, equally strong man, into a dark room. They looked angry at each other Niall thought. The first man pushed the other onto a bed and climbed on top of him, Niall looked away as they began to kiss.

He searched in the dark for the remote that Harry had left somewhere. He looked back at the TV and they were shirtless. Niall bit his lip, distracted from his remote search. It didn’t take long for both the men to lose their pants too. 

Niall felt the pressure increase in his lower stomach as he watched them touch each other. He couldn’t take much and brought his boxers down his thighs, taking a grip onto his still growing cock.

He tried to pump in time with the men, but he was withering away before he knew it. His breathe became shaky and he threw his head back, his back arching off the bed. He let a soft moan escape his lips as he came in his hand. He slowly stroked himself before reaching over and grabbing a tissue, cleaning himself, and then throwing it away in the trash can under the nightstand. 

Niall changed the channel before rolling over and trying to sleep again. But he couldn’t. His mind kept thinking about what he just watch, what he just did and what had just happened. 

He had gone in and out of sleep several times that night. Sometime during the night Harry had came back and fallen sound asleep next to Niall. All night, Niall tossed and turned.

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