chapter 22

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The boys only had a few more days left in Australia and were spending one of them on an awards show. They had been nominated and were preforming. 

They sat in the audience a bit awkwardly, Liam and Niall being separated from Louis and Harry by Zayn. 

When their time came to preform, they got on stage and sung Little Things. Niall couldn’t hold back his tears much longer and found his cheeks covered by the time his solo came. He sung with all his might though, probably sounding the best he’d ever. 

Not much longer after they were back in their seats did they win their award and were heading onto the stage again.

“This here is a massive thank you to all of our fans. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. So thank you!” Liam said, handing the microphone back to the host.

“Before you leave boys, I’ve been asking everyone who’s won the most requested question. For you boys I’ve been asked to talk about Narry. Now that’s the relationship between you and Niall correct?” He turned to face Harry. 

“It was, yes.” Niall’s hand reached out and grabbed Liam’s forearm.

“Was? Are you two not together anymore?” 

“Nope, actually I’m dating Louis right now.” Niall’s nails dug into the skin of Liam’s arm. Liam pulled out of his grip and wrapped his arm around Niall back, rubbing it gently. He felt Niall shaking. 

They were soon taken back to their seats. Niall took a grip onto Liam’s hand, looking Liam in the eyes. 

“Are we dating?” Niall asked sweetly. 

“As much as I want to I didn’t think you did.” 

“Harry’s moved on, it’s my turn.” Niall leaned over and pressed his lips against Liam’s, moving softly once he felt Liam press back. 


Backstage after the show the boys were celebrating their win. Except Niall wasn’t very excited at all. 

“You okay?” Liam asked Niall, his arm wrapped around his shoulder. 

“Yeah I just feel a little lightheaded from that crowd, I’m going to go walk around a bit.” Liam bent down, leaving a kiss on Niall’s forehead before he walked off. 

He hadn’t lied to Liam, he was indeed lightheaded, but it wasn’t from the crowd. They had been in worse crowds than that and he’d been fine. 

He wondered through halls trying to find a room by its self to be alone. He kept walking, not finding anything until he found a door leading on stage. He slowly crept the door open to see if anyone was on the other side. To his surprise, there was no one on stage or in the crowd. 

Niall slowly stride across the stage. Out on the edge he saw Harry sitting, his head looking down. Niall sighed, making his way over until he was sitting beside Harry. 

“What are you doing out here?” Niall asked quietly. 

“I miss you.” Harry responded, less quiet and looking up at Niall.

Niall starred back for awhile before he slowly closing the gap between them, pressing their lips together. Harry held onto Niall’s face delicately as if he was afraid if he was too rough Niall would run away. 

Niall then push Harry onto his back, crawling up in between his legs. He quickly shoved his tongue into Harry’s mouth before he had anything to say. He threaded his fingers softly into his hair, his palms laying gently behind his ears. 

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