chapter 11

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For almost a week Niall stayed with Harry. He soon found out that Harry wasn’t up to do much of anything. Mostly they sat around watching TV or eating. Harry didn’t move much, he stayed in bed, but he was getting his personality back slowly. 

Niall had managed to make Harry laugh a few times with made Niall happier than ever. Hearing Harry laugh after everything he’s been through was the best thing to Niall. 

Niall’s first goal was to get Harry to talk to him and just act more like himself. He had achieved that pretty quick. His next goal wouldn’t be as easy. Niall wanted to get Harry out of the hotel room and talk to the other boys. Or at least one of those. 

“Harry?” Niall interrupted one of their several movies.


“I was thinking you should probably talk to the other boys, they’re really worried.” 

Harry closed up a little, curling in closer to himself. He closed his eyes and shook his head slightly. 

“I guess that would be fair to them.” He was quiet. 

“Well, they’re telling me that they’re all in Zayn’s room. So if you want we can walk down there. It’s just down the hall.” 

Harry’s eyes grew with fear and his body tightened up. “No! No. I can’t!” Harry shouted and Niall tried to sooth him. 

“Why not?” Niall already knew the answer.

“What if someone sees me and hurts me?” Niall placed a comforting hand on Harry’s back.

“I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Harry chuckled lightly.

“No offence Niall, but you’re not very threatening.” Niall smiled back.

“I will do anything to protect you Harry. I’m not going to let anyone say anything to you. And no one’s going to lay a finger on you.” 

Harry bit at his lip nervously. “We’re going straight there then back?”

“Yes. And for as long as you’re comfortable.” Harry let out a big breathe. 

“Okay. I guess we can go for a little bit. I do miss them.” Harry ended with a smile. 

Niall texted Zayn while Harry put some pants on. 

‘We’ll be down in 5 mins. make sure everyones calm hes still very scared.’ 

‘oh yay! well be ready (: xx’ Zayn texted back almost immediately. 

“You ready to go?” Niall asked getting off the bed as Harry finished buttoning his shirt. Harry breathed out and smiled.

“I guess.” 

Niall wrapped his arm around Harry shoulder and they made their way out of his hotel room. Harry glued himself to Niall’s side as they walked down the hallways but it was deserted. Harry grew even more nervous as Niall knocked on Zayn’s door. He squeezed Harry’s shoulder as Zayn opened the door.

“Hello Harry!” Zayn said with a wide smile. 

“Hey!” Harry managed before pulling Zayn into a huge. Zayn held on tight to Harry. Eventually the other boys got up and joined in the huge. They all made their way back to sitting and Louis walked in with Harry, his arm around his waist.

“I missed you Haz.” They sat on the edge of the bed.

“I’m sorry.”

“No. Don’t be. I just want you to know I missed and I’m glad my Harry’s back. We all are.” Louis looked at everyone in the room. Niall, Liam, Zayn, even Paul.

Harry smiled seeing all of their smiles. 

“I love you guys. I’m really sorry I distanced myself from you all.” 

There was a very awkward silence for a while. No one really knew what to say. 

“Sorry boys but I’m actually really tired and I just came down here to let you all know that I’m doing okay. Niall, will you come back with me still?” 

“Yeah. Bye guys.” Niall stood up and led Harry out the door and back to Harry’s room. Harry was a lot less nervous going back. 

Once they got back, they got into bed and turned the TV on. Harry yawned and stretched before curling into a ball, his knees poking Niall’s thigh. 

“Harry I think we’re going to have to go out tomorrow.” Niall sighed softly, looking at his phone. Harry looked at him, wide eyed.

“Like, outside?” 


“Nope. I don’t think I can do that Niall.”

“You should get on twitter.”

“Why? I’m tired.” Harry whined. Niall poked him in the sides until he finally rolled over and got his phone off the table. 

“Fine! Just stop touching me!” Harry giggled.

Harry pulled up his Twitter app.

“What am I looking at?”

“Go to your profile.” Harry groaned, clicking on his icon.

“I still don’t know what you’re talking about.” Harry glanced through, hoping Niall would just tell him.

“You’re not looking Haz.” 

“If you’d tell me what I’m looking for it’d be-” Harry stopped, finding exactly what he was supposed to see.

“Holly shit!” 

Niall giggled. 

“How did that even happen?” Niall was still giggling.

“Because people love you Harry.” 

Harry’s follower count had gone back up over a million followers. Harry couldn’t stop smiling. 

“I love seeing you smile Harry. Because it shows how strong you are to over come all that has happened to you.”

Harry pulled Niall into a hug. Their bare bodies pressed up against each other under the sheets. They didn’t move from that position for awhile. Harry’s grip loosened but he didn’t move. Niall looked down to see Harry asleep. He smiled, nuzzling his face onto Harry’s shoulder. They fell asleep together.

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