chapter 4

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“Because of me.” Harry relaxed his shoulders slightly, slumping lower down the wall. Louis changed his position, sitting cross legged now facing Harry. 

“Harry you’re not making any sense.” Louis said still confused. Harry maneuvered himself so he was sitting identical to Louis. 

“Don’t you see? When i come out all this Larry Stylinson stuff is going to plow out of proportion. I remember how you reacted last time it did, it’s going to be 10 times worse. I don’t want you to get hurt from my decisions. I know i’m going to get hate too and im trying to prepare myself for that. Things will definitely be different, that’s why im scared to come out.”

Louis blinked a few times. “Harry, im not going to tell you whether you should or shouldn’t come out, that’s up to you, but whatever you choose i support that. If the hate start coming towards me, then fine, they can hate on me, but just remember, the true fans won’t hate any of us, whatever we choose.” 

Harry smiled at his friend, starring deep into his eyes. For the first time he found his eyes wonder lower to his lips. Louis was smiling back at him, his lips barely pressed together. He stared at his lips for awhile taking in everything, there shape, the color, every crease, the texture they came across, the way the light reflected off the moisture, the way the right side crooked up higher than the left, the way his bottom lip was slightly fuller then the top, everything.

He began leaning forward towards Louis while he was getting lost in his lips. He didn’t realize what he was doing until he was inches away from Louis’ face. Slowly, he began pulling back again. Until he was interrupted by Louis. His muscular arms tightened around Harry’s back. 

“And Harry, you to know that all 4 of us support you through all of this.” Harry found himself smiling again. He returned the favor, connecting his at Louis’ spine. The awkwardness he thought was growing never came in the first place.

“I know. That’s why i told you guys. Especially you.” They pulled apart and were now looking into each others eyes again. “Thanks for being a great friend and just being there for me. I love you, Lou.” 

Louis began smiling, “Well i am quite lovable.” He straightened up his back, boasting.

Harry laughed. Louis always found a way to make him smile or feel better. He adored that about his friend. Harry began to stand up and apparently Louis had the same idea, as they both began moving at the same time. There hips collided as they got to there feet. They smiled at each other, exchanging glances. 

Harry walked into the bathroom to fix his hair, Louis sat on his bed, giving him room, to wait. Then there was a knock on the door but before either Louis or Harry could answer it, Niall came walking in. 

“There you are.” Niall exclaimed when he saw Louis on the bed. He then turned to see Harry still messing with his hair. “You better hurry, we’ve got like 5 minutes. You don’t want Paul to come up here, because things will get real messy, real fast.” 

Harry waved him off, scrunching his hair with his hands then casually flipping it to the side. He turned the light off in the bathroom. Niall stood in the door way as Harry pushed beside him. He walked over to the bed and sat beside Louis to put his white converse on.

“So what’s our schedule for today?” Louis asked looking up from Harry’s feet to meet eye with Niall. He leaned against the wall and crossed his feet before talking. “Well, from what i overheard, we’re doing two interviews-both on national television-then we have a few hours to do something fun together, followed by our last concert of the tour.” 

By now Harry had finished putting on his shoes and was looking cautiously up at Niall. He let out a loud breathe before getting up and shoving his room key in his pocket with his phone. On his way to the door, Niall and Louis followed, exchanging glaces.

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