chapter 7

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Niall woke up later than normal. He felt his stomach rumble before he even got out of bed. He was eating an hour later than normal this morning. 

He threw some shorts and a shirt on before leaving his room and making his way down to the lobby. 

With a short ride down the elevator, he walked to a table where Liam, Louis and Zayn sat. 

“Harry over sleep again?” He said as he sat down. 

“I guess.” Louis chewed on his piece of bacon. Niall took a piece for himself and swallowed it in two bites. 

“I’ll go get him after I eat.” Niall got up and filled a plate of all kinds of food. He sat down and immediately began eating. 

Not long after did he finish his whole plate. He engaged in a conversation between the boys. 

“Harry’s still no awake? He shouldn’t be sleeping this long, we’v got the tour to start up soon.” Liam interrupted , looking at his phone. Niall scooted back in his chair.

“I’ll go get him.” He began walking off when Liam’s voice stopped him.

“You should probably see this before you go.” He handed Niall his phone. He was on twitter. Harry’s follower count had gone down three million. Louis took the phone from Niall, showing it to Zayn, then giving it back to Liam.

“Why’d he-” Niall started. 

“These mentions are horrible.” Liam began scrolling through, making faces at them. “Ew, Harry. Please don’t.’ ‘Unfollow.’ You’re a fag, get out of here.” 

The three other men looked appalled as Liam spoke. He looked up from his phone. “Most of them, aren’t that nice, but i don’t want to read those.” 

They all sat in silence, Niall and Louis biting their lips.

“Poor Harry.” Zayn finally said and they all looked at each other at once.

“Harry!” They ran past the elevators and up five fights of stairs. They came to Harry’s room finally.

“Shit, does anyone have a key to his room?” Louis asked as they all awkwardly stood outside his door. They all fumbled with their pockets. No luck.

“Wait. I think I have one in my room.” Niall ran down three doors and disappeared into the fourth. Moments later he reappeared with a key over his head and a smile on his face. It quickly vanished. 

As Niall began to put the key in Zayn spoke up.

“We can’t all go in, he’ll need his space.” They all agreed. They soon decided that Louis and Liam would go in to see if he’s okay and if it wasn’t too bad the others could join. 

Niall slipped the key out and Louis lead Liam into Harry’s room. They made their way in slowly. 

“Harry?” Liam barely whispered. They found him snuggled in bed, his eyes opened and red. They frowned.

“Harry, can you talk to us, please?” 

“No. Go away.” Harry’s voiced cracked. Louis stepped closer to the bed.

“Harry we-“

I said get the fuck out!” Harry covered himself under blankets. Louis and Liam both jumped back at the unexpected loudness in his voice. 

“Please.” Liam protested. Harry began screaming into the pillow. The noise loud enough to wake anyone still sleeping in the building. Liam pulled Louis to the door and they were gone. Harry was still screaming. 

“What the hell happened!?” Zayn asked panicked as soon as the door shut behind Louis. The screaming stopped.

“Oh shit guys, Harry’s broke.” Liam said, worried. “And I don’t know how to fix him.”

“Did he speak?” Niall asked as they all made their way into Niall’s room for a more private conversation. 

“He told us to get the fuck out and then began screaming.” Louis sat on Niall’s bed, running his fingers through his hair. Niall took a water out of his fridge, handing Liam one too. 

“People can be ass holes.” Zayn said bluntly, taking a seat beside Louis. 

“So how are we going to fix him?” Niall asked. “We’ve got a concert we have to be at tomorrow night. I’m not going without him.” 

With that, the door beeped and was pushed open. Paul walked in, not looking pleased.

“For the past two hours i’ve been dealing with people asking for a refund on your concert tickets. No body wants to go anymore. Does anyone have any idea what’s going on here?” 

The four boys groaned and covered their faces. Paul starred, waiting for a response. 

“Paul.” Liam started, lifting his head again. “Harry’s lost over three million followers on twitter and the things they are saying to him are beyond harsh. And it’s all because he came out yesterday. He won’t let anyone talk to him either.” 

Paul leaned against the wall holding the bridge of his nose. He shook his head.

“That’s it, i guess we’ll have to cancel the shows until he’s up for it. The people will just have to get over it.” Then Paul left. 

They all sighed. 

“It’s weird without Harry.” Louis stated. 

“I miss him already.” Niall added, frowning.

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