chapter 17

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This wasn’t their first American tour, no. But this was their first American tour, also first tour, singing songs off of the Take Me Home album. The boys were excited. They were beyond excited. And going through the first three shows made their excitement rise even higher.

Of all the boys, Niall was the most excited. He loved the songs from Up All Night, but there was something about the news songs that he just loved. He wasn’t sure what it was until the first show.

He realized most of the songs reminded him of Harry in some way. 

Kiss you made him want to kiss Harry, little things reminded him of all the little things he loved about Harry, first last kiss made him want to stay with Harry forever, rock me well that’s obvious of what, change my mind made him realize he’d do anything for Harry, but most importantly they don’t know about us.

That was one of Niall’s favorite songs off the album, besides first last kiss, but he hated preforming it. 

While preforming most of the songs it made Niall want to go and hug Harry, or some times even kiss him. Harry usually felt the same but was better at holding it in. Niall always found away across stage and made some kind of contact with the curly haired boy. Anywhere from brushing past him to messing with his curls.

But during they don’t know about us it was different. Niall would freeze or tense up. And when his time to sing came, he was always a beat or two behind because he was starring at Harry. 

Tonight, after the fourth concert, Harry had noticed and decided to confront Niall of his abnormal behavior. 

Harry was sitting in bed on his laptop wearing only his boxers waiting for Niall to come back from getting a drink. They were about to go to bed after an exhausting day. Niall appeared around the corner, sipping on a glass of coke, wearing his sweatpants low with no shirt on.

He took one last drink before setting the glass down on the bed side table. He climbed in under the covers and scooted between Harry’s arm and chest.

“Whatcha looking at?” Niall watched as Harry X’ed out of the browser. 

“I was just on twitter.” Harry shut the laptop, setting it off the bed. “Can we talk?” Niall ran his finger up and down Harry’s abs as he listened to Harry speak.

“Of course.”

“You’re very good at singing, Niall, your voice is beautiful. You know what you’re doing too so it’s weird that you’ve been a little late singing during some songs lately.”

Niall stayed quiet. He bit at his lip and withdrew his hand from Harry’s torso. Harry forced Niall to look at him in the eyes. “Is there something you want to talk about?” 

“I don’t know. I guess I’ve just been a little upset.” Niall kept his voice quiet. 

Harry rubbed Niall’s bare back. “About what?” 

“I don’t, I don’t really like our secret. I want to tell them about us.” 

“Oh.” Was all Harry could manage.

“Please don’t be mad Haz.” 

Harry chuckled softly. “I’m not mad, I knew you’d want to sooner or later. I’m just, scared.” Harry admitted. Niall kissed Harry’s lips, gently and slowly. 

“You don’t have to be scared. We’ll be together this time.” Harry smiled.

“I guess.” Niall’s grip tightened around Harry.

“So you’re up for it?” 

Harry nodded. “But how are we going to do it?” 

They sat quiet, pondering. Niall hadn’t thought of that yet. “Well, I guess how ever.” 

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