chapter 8

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It’s been a week since Harry’s been hibernating in his hotel room. They had to cancel three shows already. The boys decided to go head and do a signing without Harry, which had a rather small outcome mostly of girls concerned for Harry. 

Both Liam and Niall had been called from radio shows asking questions related to the fuss. They both said they weren’t going to give out any information at this time but will inform everyone when it’s time. 

Also, since Harry wouldn’t leave his hotel room, they were forced to stay in the same city the whole time. This was a bad thing for several reasons, the main one being; the longer you stay in one hotel, the easier it is for fans to find you. This time, they were all sure most of them weren’t fans. 

Niall was woken up by loud chanting from outside his window. He wasn’t sure of what they were saying until he woke up more and once he knew he was beyond pissed. They were shouting ‘we hate harry’. Niall clenched his fists and bit at his lip as he walked to the window. 

He opened the window and stuck his head out, all their shouting getting out of control. 

“You all can shut the hell up or leave!” Niall tried shouting over the fans screaming towards Niall now. Niall grunted and closed the window, mumbling to himself as he quickly pulled some sweatpants on and grabbed the room keys. 

He knocked on each of the boys doors until they were all standing outside in the hallway.

“Okay, I’ve had enough.” Niall started. The boys sighed, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

“It has been over a week and the fans have gone completely mad shit! We need to fix this and we need to fix this now. I don’t care what it takes were going to get our Harry back.” The boys nodded in agreement.

“Okay, what’s your plan?” Liam asked, ready to help.

“I think we need someone to talk to him, seriously. Just one of us. Maybe if they have a one on one conversation, he’ll open up and we can help him.” 

Sounds reasonable. Now who goes and talks to him?” Asked Louis

“I don’t think it should be me or you honestly. I don’t think he’ll take us seriously. That leaves you two.” Niall and Louis looked at Liam and Zayn.

“I’m not gonna lie, i don’t think i’d know what to say.” Liam said nervously. 

“That’s alright, I’ll do it.” Zayn patted Liam on the back, took the key from Niall and headed down the hallway. 

“We’ll be in my room when you’re done. Take your time!” Louis shouted as Zayn turned the corner. 

Zayn’s breathe became unstable as he stood in front of Harry’s door. He wanted to help Harry, but he wasn’t sure what you said to someone with Harry’s problem. His hand shook as he tried to line up the key to his door.


Harry hadn’t done much for the past week. He didn’t want to. The farthest he moved was to his bathroom and all he ate was ice cream, which he ordered from room service along with some milk. He spent the majority of the day walking TV or on his computer. When Zayn showed up, he was on his computer. 

Zayn walked into the room Harry was sitting in and gasped in shock when he heard what he was listening to. Immediately Harry paused it and closed the browser. 

“Harry..” Zayn started softly, easing into it. 

“I don’t want to talk.” Harry’s voice was a low croak from the mixture of not using it and his earlier sobs. 

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