chapter 21

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“Harry! Harry please! Don’t leave. No! Harry!” Niall continued screaming though Harry was out the door. His feet grew weak and he slid down the wall until he was sitting on the ground. He buried his face in his hands, crying.

“No, he’s gone. He’s gone. No, Harry.” Niall was shaking his head back and forth tears spilling out of his eyes when Liam came up beside him, pulling him in close. 

Niall held onto Liam, his tears staining his T-shirt. “He’s not coming back is he.” Niall said once he got his breath back. 

“He might not come back but that doesn’t mean you can’t go to him.” 

Niall looked up and starred into Liam’s eyes. “You’re right, I’ve gotta go work this out with him.” He wiped his eyes as he stood up, Liam following. 

“And Niall.” Liam held onto Niall’s arm before he could walk away. “I’m really sorry, this is all my fault.” 

“Liam don’t blame yourself, I know you didn’t mean for this all to happen.” 

Niall gave Liam a tight hug before leaving down the hall quickly. He wasn’t sure where Harry had went so he went straight to his room. 

As he opened his door he began yelling his name until he realized Harry wasn’t there. As quickly as he entered he left, heading down the hallway to Zayn’s room. 

Niall began knocking violently on the door, hoping Harry would be on the other side. Not to his surprise Zayn opened up. 

“Niall what is-“

“Is Harry in here?” Niall said with a lump in his throat, feeling the tears approaching quick.

“No, why? What’s wrong, did something happen?” 

Niall bit his quivering lip. “Nope just looking for him.” Tears began slowly making there way down Niall cheek and before he knew it he was in Zayn’s arms.

“Niall what Happen?” His voice was full of worry.

Niall swallowed thickly. “I did something bad and I need to make it better.” He pulled away from Zayn’s embrace. “I’m sorry but I need to go find him. 

Niall hurried down the hallway to the last room he could think he would be at; Louis’. As he neared the door he noticed it wasn’t fully shut. He sighed knowing Harry was in there. Slowly he pushed it open, making his way inside. 

That’s when he heard the moans escaping from the doorway ahead of him. More tears came as he tried to think of another logical reason he would be hearing that. As he came up on the doorway his eyes deceived his hopes. 

“Harry?” Niall let out shaky, his heart breaking as he saw the two boys having sex. 

The two boys looked at him, Harry’s eyes piercing his face. All Niall could do was shake his head, allowing more tears to flow. 

“Niall.” He heard Harry’s voice and he opened his eyes to see hIm walking towards him. 

“Don’t touch me.” Niall said once Harry grew too close for his liking. Harry stopped, his eyes glossed over with tears. 

“Niall, just let me explain.” 

“No, I wasn’t allowed time to explain what makes you think you’re allowed?” 

“Harry I thought I loved you, wanted to be with you forever, and I thought you felt the same way.”

“I do!” Harry interrupted.

“But this isn’t going to work.”

“Niall I know I’ve screwed up here but you’ve gotta listen. Please, I think if we just sit and talk w-“

“No! No, no, no. You’ve ruined everything, I can’t trust you anymore.” Harry reached out, grabbing Niall’s waist. Niall winced, pushing Harry backwards. 

“I fucking hate you! Don’t ever touch me or talk to me ever again!” Niall screamed before rushing out of the room, wiping tears off his eyes. 

He kept going until he was back in his room again, Liam rushing to him to see if he’s alright. 

He began crying into his shoulder as soon as he met up with him. Soon he felt another pair of arms around him and he looked up to see Zayn. 

“What happened?” Liam asked concerned. 

“He was fucking Louis! He’s such a hypocrite.” 

“Oh.” Zayn sighed. 

“I told him I hated him.” Niall began crying onto Liam’s shoulder again. “I told him I hated him but I love him. I love him Liam and he’s never going to be mine again.” 

Liam and Zayn soothed him, pulling him over to his bed where they all three crammed into.

“You know, who needs them? We can have our own hang out here. Just the three of us.” Zayn suggested. Liam nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, we can order chinese and watch a movie.” 

And that’s exactly what they did. 

The movie was coming to an end though so Zayn cleaned up the food and headed off to his room. Liam was soon to follow. 

As he attempted to climb out of bed, Niall held onto his arm. 

“Please stay here.” Niall looked up at him, his eyes big and watery. 

“Okay.” Liam smiled, climbing back into bed. 

“I don’t want to be alone. I need you Liam.” Liam smiled as Niall pulled in closer, closing the gap between their chests and and interlocking their feet. He rested his head on Liam’s shoulder. 

“Good night Niall.” Liam placed a kiss on the top of Niall’s head. Niall looked up and into Liam’s eyes. He smiled before pressing his lips onto Liam’s. 

“Good night Liam.” He curled back into Liam as Liam himself blushed, slowly falling asleep.

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