chapter 6

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Harry sat quiet messing with his thumbs while the TV host introduced them. He didn’t understand why, most of the audience was there for them anyways.

I: So how have you boys been liking your tour so far? How many is that in England now, two? Three?

Liam: Yeah, I don’t think we keep track but I would have to say two right?

Niall: Yeah it’s two, i believe.

Zayn: No im pretty sure it’s three.

Liam: Oh whatever the number we love touring and performing for all our beautiful fans who are always so loud.

The crowd screamed, like the needed to prove that Liam wasn’t lying. 

I: Wow. They seem excited to see you today.

Louis: And we are just as excited that they’re here. Right Harry?

Harry: uhm, yeah right. We love meeting fans. 

I: How many more dates do you have left of this tour?

Zayn: Unfortunately, it comes to an end next week.

Liam: Yeah what is that, eight more shows? But we’re going to be doing some small local shows. 

I: Where do you go after thats all come to an end?

Niall: We are headed to America after the end of the month. Which, I don’t know about the other boys but I’m excited to go back. I love America.

I: Speaking of love, what are some of your favorite places to be or perform? 

Louis: Well, I personally love performing near home. But i couldn’t say I have a favorite place because every new place we go I always fall in love with.

Liam: Yeah I think what Louis said is very true, all places we go are wonderful and the fans are incredible no matter what. So picking a favorite is difficult. 

I: Okay, well I’m being told we don’t have too much time so I’m going to move on to the twitter questions. First one is from KatyMarieStyles and she asked ‘If you could play a gig on another planet, which planet would you pick?’ 

Niall: Haha, that’s a good one. I would want to go to Pluto. No ones been there right? And it’s not a planet anymore so it would be sweet.

Zayn: I would go to Mars because there’s supposed to be life on there right?

I: Yeah, aliens. 

Zayn: Yeah, i would preform for them.

Liam: I don’t know. I think maybe Neptune just because it’s fun to say like ‘Put your hands up Neptune!’ 

Louis: Saturn, because we could like stand on the rings, and spin around it. What about you Harry?

Harry: I’ll go with Zayn. I want to see if aliens are real are not.

I: interesting answers boys. The next one is from @mycat_andyourcurls and she wants to know if you all had to choose an animal that Niall would be, what animal would he be?

Liam: Maybe a monkey because he’s always moving and energetic. 

Harry: I think a penguin, because he likes snuggling. 

Louis: No he’d be a puppy because he’s cute.

Zayn: yeah he’s a puppy!

Niall blushed.

I: haha alright moving on. This one’s from @Niallandhis_potatoes. She asked ‘If you were stuck in a video game, what game would you want to be stuck in?’

Zayn: Call of duty.

Louis: Now that doesn’t make since, you’d die! 

Zayn: So it would be fun to shoot a gun. I mean if you in the game you always come back to life anyways don’t you?

Louis: true but of all games?

Zayn: Yes Louis!

Louis: Alright. I of course would choose FIFA and we all know why that is.

Niall: I’d choose SIMS because then i’ll learn their language.

They all laughed, even the interviewer. 

I: Alright. So @Zaynsin-

The interviewer stopped talking and held her ear piece closer.

I: Oh, sorry boys turns out its time for our next segment. Any last words before you head off?

Liam: Yeah we just want to thank everyone for coming out here today and supporting us.

Niall: Yeah you guys are amazing, no words to describe how much we love you.

Louis: Massive thank you to anyone who supports us.

Zayn: And for anyone who we see in concerts thank you too. And if you can’t come thank you also.

Liam: Anything else boys?

He looked at Harry. Harry took in a breath. 

Harry: Um, I would like to take this moment to thank you all for the amazing support. No matter what. We love you, I love you. But now, on National Television, I would like to come out and say, because i think im ready, that i am bisexual. I hope you all continue supporting us like we support you. 

I: wow interesting twist on things today. We’ll be back after the break. Please wish these boys a lonely good bye. Louis, Harry, Niall, Liam, and Zayn.

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