chapter 9

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Zayn walked down the hall to Louis’ room letting the tears fall freely down his cheeks. He wasn’t only crying because of the pain in his jaw, but because of how he saw Harry.

The way Harry had acted and reacted to Zayn was unhealthy and it scared Zayn. He wasn’t sure what Harry would do next. Harry was obviously in a fragile state and needed someone there for him, but wouldn’t except anyone into his life at the moment. 

Zayn finally reached Louis’ room and didn’t think to get out his key. Instead just knocked violently on the door. Within seconds Louis was there.

“Oh shit man! What happened?” He led Zayn in the room. “Niall, quick get an ice bag!” He lead Zayn to the couch and they both sat down, the other boys soon crowded around. Niall handed Louis the ice pack, who placed in on Zayn bruising jaw.

“What the hell happened Zayn.” Niall said softly, pulling up a chair and sitting in front of them. Liam did the same, sitting directly beside Niall.

Zayn wiped his cheeks, clearing the tears before he spoke. 

“He’s doing horrible. It’s not good, he needs someone. He barely said two words to me. All he does is sit there reading an watching all the shit people are saying about him. What people are saying is extremely brutal and it’s so much that he’s forgotten about all the fans that still love him.” Zayn had began crying again.

“I messed up. I let my anger show because he wasn’t talking to me. That was the last thing he needed. He punched me but i’m not mad at him. I know he didn’t mean it. You should have seen the look in his eyes after.” 

The other boys weren’t sure what to say. They were shocked to see Harry in such a bad state. 

“It’s not your fault Zayn. You didn’t know any better than we did of what to say.” Liam tried comforting him. Niall brought him into a hug and soon Liam and Louis joined. 

“I think we should give him awhile until we try again.” Zayn suggested as they split. 


The boys were in Liam’s room that night and had ordered Chinese for dinner. Niall of course had spilled his drink down Liam’s bed and was going to the front desk to get more blankets. 

As he was coming back up the elevator, the thick, white blankets in his arms, and idea struck his mind. He exited the elevator and stood in the door way debating.

Harry hadn’t left his mind ever since Zayn had come back to their room. He wanted to make Harry feel better and he thought, maybe, he could. But then again, Zayn had warned them not to talk to him for awhile. Niall couldn’t choose what to do.

Finally he decided to turn right. When he found Harry’s door he pulled out the card key. His hand was shaky as he brought it up to the door. He shook his head.

“What the hell am I doing?” He whispered to himself. He backed away and head towards Liam’s door. As he was approaching the corner, he looked back to Harry’s door.

He sighed. Harry needed his help, he kept telling himself. He turned around and soon enough he was in front of Harry’s door again, this he had guts enough to open the door.

Inside it was silent, so Niall stayed that way. He didn’t want to startle Harry. He crept though the untouched room until he was at a door way. Niall peered his head around the corner, half expecting to see Harry curled up on his bed. Instead, he saw a messy, unmade bed lacking any human body.

Niall walked in fully looking around the room in confusion. There was no sign of Harry. He set the blankets down on Harry’s bed. A small light laying across the floor caught Niall’s eye. His eyes followed it until they reached the bathroom door, which was cracked.

Slowly Niall walked towards the door, the closer he got the more he could make out the quiet sobs coming from inside. When Niall finally reached the door he slowly pushed it open.

In front of him, Harry snatched his head up, locking eyes with Niall. Niall’s eyes drifted down to Harry’s hands. In his left held a handful of pills, the right containing the bottle. Niall looked back up at Harry’s tear stained face. His lip was quivering.

Harry let loose of everything, the pills shattering to the floor. He flung himself at Niall, gripping tightly onto the back of his shirt, screaming into his shoulder.

Niall held onto Harry for dear life, crying loudly onto Harry’s shirt.

All that was going through Niall’s brain was, if he decided not come go to Harry’s room, they all would have lost a best friend.

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