authors note

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Okay since I know most of you wouldn't read this if I put this as a before or after chapter notes, I'm making a new chapter for this. 

A lot of you said I should 'fix the ending.' 

Sorry if I didn't make this clear in my writing but here is why I put it as so.

If you did realize, in the first few chapters before harry comes out he's got a little bit of a crush on Louis but nothing major or that he's completely aware of. Louis on the other hand is aware of this but doesn't say anything.

When niall apporachs harry before he comes out and sticks with him when he really needs someone, that's when harry realizes he likes niall but he knows nialls not gay.

When nialls is masterbating to the gay porn he realizes he's gay but he's really scared bc he never thought he was. 

Then you know they fall in love over the next year and so. But they fall in love deeply. 

(Louis and zayn fall in love in the drunk scene but I think you all got that if not I must suck pretty hard.)

So when harry find niall with liam he's so hurt he doesn't even care about what happened he's just hurt bc niall was kissing him. He doesn't want to be with louis but louis makes him believe niall doesn't want him anymore.

Niall isn't mad at liam bc he know liam just wanted to show his feelings. He's hurt bc harry didn't give him a chance to explain anything. He's even more hurt when he finds harry and louis having sex. He thinks harrys been cheating on him this whole time and this was his way of getting out of it.

Niall doesn't want to be with liam, he wants to be with harry, but he feels he needs to get back at harry so he dates liam. 

Harry doesn't want to be with louis he wants to be with niall but louis' convinced him that he should be with him not niall. 

So when louis breaks up with harry, harry is so pissed but all he can think about is getting niall back so he goes to nialls house.

Niall doesn't take him back because he thinks he's just using him, he thinks he the second choice and doesn't want to be. He does want to be with harry though. He just doesn't want it to be so easy because he doesn't want to get hurt again.

When niall doesn't take harry but harry doesn't feel like there's no reason to live anymore, if niall doesn't want him then no one will. So yes his car accident was suicide.

When niall hears about harry he thinks its all his fault and knows harrys not gunna wake up so he doesn't want to live without harry because he's not happy. 

I didn't kill them both because I thought it was a good idea at the moment. I had them both die because it went with the plot line and showed how much they actually loved each other. 

Sorry if it wasn't clear in the story I'm not that great of a writer okay.

But please stop telling me to fix it or continue the story on or change it or anything because I'm not. There was a reason I did that and now you know.

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