chapter 15

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Niall had to be flown into London before they could fly out to America. So he had to wake up at six. He was not happy about that. But none the less, he had flown out to London and had gotten off his plane.

The first thing he did was text Harry to tell him he was there. The other boys were already waiting for him. Harry couldn’t stop moving, he wanted to see Niall again. Louis, Liam and Zayn kept asking him why he was fidgeting so much but he just blew it off. They hadn’t told the boys yet, they wanted to but weren’t sure exactly how.

Niall grabbed his luggage and pulled it through the airport. The lobby area seemed empty, not many people walking through, few people sitting. Until he saw a large group of people and he smiled, knowing Harry was in that group.

As he approached the group he could pin point his curls and his smile grew. He saw Zayn point at him and Harry shot around, his face brightening up. Harry lot go of his bags and began running towards Niall. Niall flinched, letting go of his own bags as Harry jumped on top of him. 

“Harry you can’t just- People will-“

“So I can’t hug you?” Harry smirked, walking back over to the boys with Niall.

“Hey boys!” Niall cheerfully greeted them, pulling them all into a hug. They giggled at him. 

“Come on we’re gunna be late.” Paul gestured for them to head for the plane. They all walked in a large group across the airport. Harry stuck by Niall’s side the whole time.


Louis and Liam were first to get on the plane. They put their carry on bags in the storage space above their heads. They sat in the very back. Zayn got on next followed by Niall and Harry.

Niall put his belongings above the seats in front of Liam and Louis. Zayn and Harry put their things in the same storage space as Niall. Next to Niall, Zayn took a seat. Niall and Harry exchanged a glance before looking over at Zayn. Zayn looked up at Niall then over to Harry.

“What?” He asked confused. Harry bit his lip.

“Um, I need to talk to Niall, could I sit there?” Zayn smiled.

“Yeah sure, sorry.” He got up and sat in the isle next to them, beside Lou. She smiled at him.

Harry sat beside Niall and they starred at each other for awhile, just smiling. 

Soon the plane had taken off and they were in the air. It was past mid day and the sun was blazing over the clouds in the sky.

“Look how beautiful the sun looks.” Niall tapped Harry’s leg, looking out the window. Harry leaned over, managing to sneak his hand around his waist. Harry smiled as Niall looked back over at him. Niall leaned into Harry’s ear.

“Do you actually have something to tell me or did you just want to sit here?” Harry smiled before leaning back and tapping Niall’s lower back. 

“No I actually have something to talk to you about.” 

“Like right now?” 

“Yeah, If you want.” Niall shrugged, silently asking Harry to ask him already. Harry sighed.

“Did you tell your Mum or Dad?” Niall shook his head, figuring he’d ask him that.

“Yeah. I told my Mum, who told my dad, and then Greg.” Niall’s voice softened towards the latter of the sentence. 

“Oh.” Harry said shocked, “How’d it go?” Harry was honestly scared of what Greg had done.

“Well my Mum said she was happy and still loved me yada yada. My Dad asked me if it was you and I told him it was. He said he knew by the way my face lit up when he mentioned you.” Niall’s face blushed as he spoke. Harry smiled finding it cute. Niall looked away at Harry after that though.

“Greg said he was disappointed in me. When we were all together as a family he just smiled and said it was great, but as soon as we were alone he just kept glaring at me. He kept calling you a faggot because he knew it hurt me. He pisses me off so much.” Harry wanted to sooth him and cuddle him but he knew he couldn’t which hurt. He bit at his lip.

“I’m so sorry.”

Niall smiled at him. “They’re nothing you can do, he’s a dick, oh well.” 

Harry smiled back at him. “You’re so positive about everything, I love it.”

Harry and Niall ended up watching a movie that was playing, neither of them having any clue what it was about. Niall leaned his head on Harry’s shoulder, they both didn’t think anything of it. Until Niall fell asleep and Harry wrapped his arm around Niall’s body, letting Niall’s head rest on his thigh.

Harry was about to fall asleep himself when someone poked his shoulder. He turned his head slightly, trying not to disturb Niall, and saw Liam leaning closer to his seat.

“Yeah?” Harry asked.

“Um, I’ve gotta question.” Liam said a little shyly. Harry smiled his warm comforting smile.

“Um see I, well we, kinda uh overheard a little bit and were just questioning if-“

“Oh my god Liam!” Louis grunted loudly making Niall shift on Harry’s lap. Harry looked down to see if he was still asleep and once he saw he was he looked back up at Liam and Louis.

“What Liam was slowly getting to ask,” Louis glared at Liam. “Are you and Niall dating.” 

Harry furrowed his eyebrows in a bit. “How’d you guys know?” 

Louis rolled his eyes. “Isn’t it obvious? Back in England you two stayed in the same hotel room every night. The first time you see each other after a short break you run into each other arms. We overheard you talking about Niall telling his parents, im assuming about him being gay. Not to mention you two are all over each other right in front of us, how could we not notice!?” Louis was being overly dramatic and a bit too loud.

Harry laughed a bit. “Actually that wasn’t the first time we saw each other. I went to his house a week ago.” Harry said matter of factly. Louis Liam, and even Zayn laughed.

Niall sat up in Harry’s lap, rubbing his eyes. “Who made Louis laugh?” Niall said, his voice gruff. Harry squinted his eyes, biting his lip.

“Mmm, your morning voice is hot.” He let out, almost accidentally. Niall’s eyes shot open, smacking Harry’s arm. 

“Harry!” He whispered, making the boys around them laugh again.

“It’s alright, they know.” Niall’s eyes grew again.

“But- I. We. But they?” Niall stuttered.

“It’s alright mate, you’re cute.” Niall blushed a bit. Harry brushed his lips against Niall’s, their eyes fluttering closed.

“Ew! Get a room!” Louis shouted, cuddling with his blanket and looking out the window. 

“Sorry, I’ve been wanting to do that since I saw him in the airport.” Harry didn’t look away from Niall as he spoke. How could he? Niall’s smile was the brightest he’s seen it in awhile.

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