Chapter Four - Meeting the Kids

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"Don't you want an answer?" Julian asked me and I just nodded wordlessly. "Rosie," He started. "You're all I have thought about for the last five years and you're still all I think about. I know this may sound weird to you, but it's true. I couldn't get you out of my head and I still can't." He sighed then released his hand from mine. "When I saw you at the restaurant for the first time in five years I couldn't believe my luck." He gave me a small smile as I just sat there speechless; not knowing what to say. "I promised you that you'll be mine one day. Do you remember that?" I swallowed and just nodded. It seemed like it was the only thing I was able to do. "I'm still keeping my promise. I still want you. I have not forgotten you."

I looked at him wordlessly. He just kept looking at me and I could feel him starting lose hope. "Julian, I..." I trailed off. "I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything." He told me with a small sad smile. "If it's time you want then I'll wait. I'll wait for as long as you want. I'll wait until you're ready."

The desperation could be heard in his voice and I couldn't help but be flattered, but my mind drifted off to Nicholas. What about him? I couldn't go out with another man. It was like I was betraying him; like I was betraying my love for him.

"I have to... I have to get inside to see my kids." I told him. He just nodded sadly. You have to open up more to people. My mom's voice suddenly sounded inside my head. What came out of my mouth next surprised me as much as it surprised him. "Julian, um... would you like to come to the amusement park with us tomorrow?" I asked him then quickly added. "If you don't want it's okay. I don't know why I asked."

Julian chuckled. "I would love to go." He told me with a sincere smile. I nodded with a small smile on my face as well. "I'll pick you and the kids up tomorrow at 10 a.m.?" He asked me and I just nodded.

I thanked him and wished him goodnight then stepped out of the car. I walked to the house and opened the door then stepped inside the living room and saw my mom sitting on the couch and my kids sitting on the ground watching T.V.

"Hey, mom" I greeted her.

My mom turned her face around and smiled once she saw me. "Hey, sweetheart"

"Mom!" My kids ran towards me and hugged my knees.
I bent down and pulled them into a big hug. "Hey, babies. How are you?"

"We're good." Adam answered.

"Did you go to the park?" I asked them.

"Yes, grandma took us and we had so much fun." Lily Rose gushed.

I kissed their cheeks. "Go and brush your teeth. I'll follow you shortly."

"Can't we stay up more?" Adam asked me.

"No, baby, it's your bedtime."

"Okay." He told me dolefully before he walked to his room with Lily Rose on his heels.

I smiled and stood up straight then removed my coat and placed it on the couch.

"How was work?" My mom asked me.

"It was okay." I told her as I sat down
beside her. "Julian dropped me home."

My mom's eyes widened then a smile quickly made its way to her face. "Oh, I'm so happy for you sweetheart." She told me excitedly. "It's about time you moved on."

"I still haven't moved on, mom." Her smile quickly faded as she listened to what I said. "Julian just offered to drive me home since I missed the bus." I explained to her.

"Well, it's still progress and I'm happy for you." She wasn't one to give up hope.

I nodded. "I also invited him to come along with me and the kids tomorrow to the amusement park and he accepted." My mother's eyes lighted up. "I'm having second thoughts now though. I'm not sure how the kids will feel about it."

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