Chapter Twenty Two - Unwanted Visitor

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"Where to?" Donovan, the driver, asked me as I stepped tiredly inside the car after I had finished work.

Donovan had been driving me wherever I wanted. I felt like he was some sort of personal bodyguard.

"Home, please." Donovan nodded and started driving.

It felt weird to have someone drive me around. With Nicholas, we lived lavishly, but never to the point to have someone drive me around. I leaned my head against the car window and thought about my day.

"We're here, ma'am." Donovan's voice awoke me from my thoughts.

I blinked twice and noticed the car had stopped moving before settling my gaze on Donovan and nodding. I placed my hand on the door handle about to open the door then stopped and looked at Donovan. "Please, call me Rosie." He gave me a small smile and nodded. I've been trying to get him to call me Rosie since the first day he came, and he always nods, but never complies.

I stepped out of the car and brought my keys out of my bags then opened the door. I heard some chattering coming from the living room and shrugged knowing that it was the kids and my mom, but as I walked into the living room I stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened at who I saw sitting in my living room with my mom and my kids.

"Rosie, darling how are you?" My ex mother in law stood up with a fake smile plastered on her face and pulled me into a hug that I didn't return.

"I'm doing fine, Marie." I answered dryly as the kids ran towards me. I pulled them into a hug and kissed their cheeks. "Babies, please go to your room. I'll follow you in a minute." Thankfully, the kids didn't argue and quickly ran to their rooms.

"They've grown up so much." Marie commented as she sat back down on the sofa after the kids were out of sight.

"Yes, they have."

"So," She started. "I heard you got engaged."

"Helen didn't waste any time." I commented aridly.

"Well what did you expect her to do? Of course she told me." She stared at me for a moment before continuing. "You can't marry him. What would happen to the kids?"

I looked at my ex mother in law in disbelief. "You don't get a say in our lives after what you did to us all those years ago." I told her with so much hatred in my voice.

"That is no way to talk to your mother in law." Her demeanour changing.

"Ex" I clarified angrily. "Ex mother in law"

"Flora." She directed her words to my mother. "You have to talk your daughter out of this. What will people say about us?"

"Okay, that is it." I told her as I stood up angrily. "Please leave." I said as I looked sideways; not wanting to look at her.

"You're kicking me out?"

"Yes. Excuse me if I don't appreciate you coming to me after all these years to tell me what I should or shouldn't do." I said sarcastically. "So, please leave." I repeated.

"You're going to regret this, Rosie." She spat out angrily as she grabbed her back then walked out of the house.

Once I heard the door slam shut, I turned to my mother. "Why did you let her in?"

"What was I supposed to do, sweetheart? I had no choice." Mon tried to explain.

I groaned then stood up and started pacing the living room. "I can't believe this woman. After everything she put me and the kids through, she comes here and practically demands me to leave Julian. I... I.... Ugh!"

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