Chapter Eighteen - Meeting the Parents

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"You look handsome, baby." I complimented my son, Adam, as I straightened his top.

Julian was about to arrive at any moment to take us to his parents house for dinner. Adam and Lily Rose did not care where we were going. They were just happy that Julian was going to be there.

"What about me, mommy?" My daughter, Lily Rose asked me as she twirled in her light pink dress.

"Oh, You look beautiful, baby." I told her as I kissed her cheek.

The doorbell suddenly rang and I stood up to open the door. Julian stood there wearing a light blue dress shirt, and had his hands inside the pockets of his navy trousers. He looked really good.

"Hey." I greeted him with a slight tinge to my cheeks. "Come in." I stood aside to let him in, but he didn't.

"We should get going." He told me. "Are you and the kids ready?"

I nodded. "Let me just get them." He nodded and kept standing while I went to get the kids.

The drive to Julian's parent's house was longer than I expected, but I didn't mind. Julian made the time fly as he talked with the kids making my heart soar with joy. It was like he wasn't even trying. He really cared for the kids.

We stepped out of the car once we arrived to Julian's parent's house. Lily Rose held one of my hands while Adam held another. This was unfamiliar territory for them so I knew they weren't very comfortable. Julian rang the doorbell and we waited for someone to open the door. I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring smile. A moment later, the door opened and a young girl of about twenty opened the door. Her eyes lit up once she saw Julian and she jumped at him; hugging him tightly.

"I didn't know you were coming to dinner." She told him as she pulled back. She then looked at me; the smile not fading from her face. "Is she the one?" She asked him as she pointed a finger at me. She didn't give him a chance to reply before she states knowingly. "You're Rosie." She pulled me into a hug that I couldn't return since I was holding my kids' hands. "I'm Magnolia, Julian's sister, and who are those two munchkins?"

"This is Adam and Lily Rose." I told her with a smile. She gave them a bright smile as she bent down and gave them both a hug.

We walked in to the house and Magnolia led us to the living room where two people, who I assumed were his parents were talking. They heard our footsteps and looked our way. A smile appeared on both of their faces and they both stood up and walked towards us. His mother hugged me tightly just like his sister had done earlier.

"Rosie, right?" She asked me and I nodded. "I'm Daisy and this is my husband Adrian." She said referring to the man that stood beside her. "We're so happy to finally meet you." I gave her a small nervous smile. "You're Adam and you're Lily Rose right?" She asked my kids and they nodded as they held my hand tightly. She gave them a small hug then stood up straight. "Come. Have a seat." She said as she motioned to the sofa. Julian and I walked towards the sofa with the kids still holding my hands and sat down.

It was silent for a second before Adrian, Julian's dad, stood up and walked over to the bar cart that held quite a number of alcoholic drinks. "Rosie, what will you have?"

"Just club soda, if you have it and regular water for the kids"

"She's so demure." Daisy, Julian's mother, commented with a smile making my cheeks flush.

"And your usual, Julian? Macallan neat?"

"'Yes" Julian replied.

"So tell me more about you, Rosie." Daisy said.

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