3.The party -part 2-

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Austin's POV

"Dude, that plan is insane! It won't work!", Peter told me as I sat on the couch, drinking a bottle of water because my throat burned, and so did my face from Luna hitting it.

She was differant. She fought, and dude she was stonger than I thought.

"Yes, it will. Now c'mon we have to get to the party.", I said, grabbing my car keys and walking out.

Luna's POV

I put on my dress that was just a little above my knee. I was only looking cute, because I had to go to a party full of people and I wanted to look decent.

I curled my blonde wavy hair. I hated high heels, but Kourtney wanted me to. She was the only reason I was in this mess.

I walked outside. I didn't own a car ever since the accident with Jessy. I walked about a mile, when Kourtney pulled up behind me.

"Need a ride, sister?", she said. I rolled my eyes at her, then laughed and got into the car.

We got to the party and people were already drunk.

I got out of the car and saw Kourtney charge right in. I laughed so hard, then walked in. First thing I saw was people dancing on the tables and counter.

I scowled when I saw a couple kissing, it was a gross picture. I walked and talked for some time 'till I saw Austin looking straight at me. I rolled my eyes and turned around. He walked right up next to me.

"Your scary, you know that right?", I said, my head turned around to look the opposite way of Austin.

"You know your getting kidnapped, right?", he said.

"Huh?", I said, right before a cloth went other my mouth, making my vision dizzy.

"Wh- what di-did yo- you do t-?", that's all I got out before I passed out into Austin's arm.

"Night night, girly.", he said, smirking that smirk that I hated so much.


Hey guys, I'm so happy! I have 29 reads! OMG! Ok I hate writing that, but yea! I'm so happy! I know this was short, but it'll get longer because I like long books. But anyways, thank you for all the reads! Bye! Oh and Luna's dress is to the right -------->

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