20. One Last Night

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Luna's POV 

I have to go to the house and get my clothes. 

I slowly crept up to the door and opened it, only enough for me to squeeze through and not to make the door squeak. I stepped up the stairs, stubbing my toe on the top step.

"Shoot!", I whisper shouted, bouncing on one foot.

"Momma?", a little tired voice whimpered. I turned around and there stood Devin.

He had on Transformer footie pajamas, his black hair a mess, and holding a tiny stuffed plush toy car. Momma?

"Are you Luna?", he whispered in awe as he stared at me. I probably looked a mess and am scaring the poor child.

"Yes, I am. Are you Devin?", I asked, crouching down to his height. I can't just walk away from him.

"Yeah! That's me! Woah, you're Ms. Luna.", he said in awe again. 

"How do you know my name, Devin?", I questioned softly. He began blushing.

"He sad you left. He said you were coming here tonight, because you wouldn't leave your stuff.", he smiled, then looked like he just realized something. "Oh! Here's a car! I was staying up, so I could give it to you.", he added with a smile, handing me the little plush race car.

I took it softly. I began crying and, all of a sudden, I hugged him. He seemed shocked at first, then he hugged me back.

"Devin, say goodbye to Luna, and go to bed.", a voice sleepily said. I let go of Devin and saw Austin, in only his boxers, standing in the doorway. 

"Bye bye, Ms. Luna.", Devin smiled, waving good bye to me and hugging Austin's leg before walking into his room. 

I stood and looked at Austin.

"Please, don't leave me.", he whispered. I shook my head. He didn't understand. I don't want to leave, but it is for the best.

"I have to go, and you know it. I just want my stuff, then I'll leave.", I shrugged. I have to show no emotion, or he'll just pressure me into staying until I break. 

"Oh.. Okay, in here.", he said, leading me to my old room. I noticed Peter, who winked at me, and some cheap blonde, who scowled and glared at me. 

I flipped her off and stuck my tongue out at her, making her gasp and whine to Peter about me being a bitch. 

Once we reached my room, I stuffed all my clothing and the toy car into a suitcase. Sadly, the car didn't fit, I'll have to carry it. 

"Bye, Austin.", I whispered, grabbing my stuff. As I tried to open the door, a hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me into a chest.

"I love you, Luna. Please, stay. Devin has heard alot about you and he thinks that your his mother..", he whimpered.

"Did you tell him the truth?", I said in confusion. I don't want that child to be lied to, like I was. 

"Yes. But, please. I love you, so much.", he whispered, touching my cheek.

I instantly melted under his touch. I loved him too. I truly did. 

"I- I have to go, Austin. Goodbye.", I whispered, turning back around and reaching for the door. But, Austin had pulled me towards the bed. I was now lying on the bed. My breathing heavied as he leaned over me and kissed me.

"Stay with me.", he whispered in my ear. I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him passionately.

This is the last night I have with Austin, better make it last.

~Next Morning~ 

I woke up to a heavy arm draped across my naked waist. I looked back and saw Austin's sleeping figure. I smiled and slowly got up, making sure not to stir him. I looked around the room to find my clothing on the floor. I reached down and picked up my panties and bra, looking for my jeans and my striped blue long sleeved shirt. 

My shirt was on the dresser and my pants were in the corner. I gathered my clothing and put them on as fast as I could. 

I have to leave before he wakes up. I grabbed my shoes and put them on, searching for anything else I needed. Dangit, I can't find the charm bracelet I got from my true father. 

I turned and stared at Austin's sleeping figure and whispered a, "Goodbye. I love you", before grabbing the toy car and my suitcase, walking out the door. 

As I walked towards the front door, Devin ran over to me and hugged my leg.

"Goodbye, Momma. I'll miss you.", he whimpered, hugging my leg. I picked him up. 

"Goodbye, Devin. I'll see you soon.", I whispered, hugging him and setting him down. I kissed his forehead as I walked out the front door, tears running down his face. 

I don't want to leave, but I have to. It is no longer a choice.


One or two more chapters!! And sorry! I'm not into writing "those" kind of scenes, so I skipped straight to the after time :P And I love Devin! He is so adorable!! Well, hope this was a good chapter. Bye bye my beautiful rainbow unicorns!!!

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