18. Addero and Cleo

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Jayden's POV

I growled as a buff rogue pushed my mate behind him. I took a fighting stance, but let it go when my mate whispered something in his ear that seemed to calm him down. She stood in front of the 4 guy rogues.

"We're just passing through. We will give you the information you need to let us pass. That's if you will let us.", her voice was powerful and addictive. I saw a brown haired rogue, with a scar over his eyebrow, on his left cheek, and on his chin, walk up and hold her hand in a protective way.

I growled.

My mate had a flash of hurt cross over her eyes, but quickly masked it with an authoritative look.

"I'm Alpha Jayden of the pack Harmonic Treasure.", I said, sternly. She whimpered at my authoritative voice. I noticed the guy holding her hand was using a mind link, because his eyes clouded. His eyes cleared up as he began to speak.

"Our Alpha would like to see our Luna. So, if you would, escort us to the nearest bar.", he grumbled.

L-Luna? I had forgotten about her! And my other mate is... someone else's Luna? Is she marked? I growled at this thought.

"Follow, closely.", I snarled, running in the direction of Luna. I transformed into my wolf as I ran, ripping my clothes to shreds. The smell of rouges was getting stronger.

"Hiyah!", I heard Luna growl as there was a bang of pain, full of groans and grunts.

I came out of the trees to see Austin on the ground with a humongous wolf clawing at him as Luna was in her wolf from holding a body softly between her teeth, not harming the body.

Luna's wolf was red, like a fox, had black on the tips of her ears and paws, with sadness filling her watery blue eyes. In her mouth, there was a young boy. Not any older than 6 or 7. He had black hair and blue eyes. He was adorable, yet limp.

"Freddie!", my other mate cried at the wolf on top of Austin. The wolf pounced at her so, I jumped in front of her to protect her.

"Mine!", I growled. At that moment, everything stopped. Luna was staring at me with sadness as she turned into her human form. Austin rushed over to her as she began to trip over her own feet.

She wasn't nude anymore, once he put the towel around her frail body. Her lower lip trembled as she stared at me.

"But, I chose you.", she whispered as she busted into tears. Austin gasped, before charging at me.

"Take her! Make her happy! I don't care! I just don't want to see her cry..", he whispered, tears making an appearance in his eyes. I looked at Luna, feeling pain course through me. I hurt her. The one I love. She looked up at me, then the wolf, then Austin, She turned her attention to the wolf again.

"Change back.", she ordered with authority and intensity. The wolf whimpered under her glare. Who knew she could be so powerful? He changed into a humungous rouge. His hair black, his eyes green, a scar above his right eyebrow, his face was full of rage, and rigid. He turned to my other mate with a look of hatred.

"Who is this, Cleo?!", he barked. She hid behind me in fear, making me growl at the guy.

"I'm her mate, asshole! Now, get off my land..", waiting for him to say his name.

"Addero. His name is Addero Hanes.", Austin spoke up, sadness filling his voice as he walked towards Luna and the little boy. "He killed my last Luna and is back to take my new one.", he looked at the little boy as he crouched beside him. "He, also, wants my son.", he whispered, pushing back the hair in his son's face. Luna began to sit on her butt, glaring at Cleo.

"And I'll get them both. You stole the love of my life. Now, I'll kill yours. I'll be back and you better be prepared.", Addero snarled, transforming into his wolf and signaling for his team to follow. Cleo looked me in the eyes and whispered 'Sorry' before following him. Is this how Luna felt when I chose Cleo? If it is, it fucking hurts.

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